Jerry-building at the construction site cannot be done, but the supervisor must know the materials involved!

The upper wall of the groove shall be subject to waterproof treatment.

The anti-skid safety fastener is not fastened; The length of the upper end of the vertical pole extending out of the top horizontal pole exceeds the specification requirements.

The internal and external corners in the waterproof surface course base shall be made with arcs.

Requirements for arc diameter: asphalt waterproof roll 200~300mm, polymer modified asphalt waterproof roll 100mm, synthetic polymer waterproof roll 40mm.


6) The loose concrete, sawdust and sundries at the bottom were not cleaned up before the column wall was sealed; The sawdust and sundries at the beam bottom shall not be cleaned.

It should play a leading role in preventing the project construction from cutting corners.

The plastering is completed at one time, and the curing is not carried out after plastering.

2) At the junction of the frame column and the beam, there are usually 1 to 2 less dense hoops, some of which have only outer hoops but no inner hoops.

The second time, the concrete shall be poured to the place away from the plate mouth for polishing treatment.

The disclosure shall be made in advance.

3) The lap of coiled material is not tight, and the end closure does not meet the requirements.

Masonry works 1) The block size deviation is large, the curing age is insufficient, and the quality does not meet the requirements.

Source: The copyright of Baidu Wenku and Douding construction belongs to the original author.

The general contractor is the organizer and direct controller of the project construction, and the most core and key subject of the project quality control.

The coiled material shall be pressed into the groove of the wall, fixed with the pressure strip nail and sealed tightly with the sealing material.

3、 Prevention and control measures for jerry-building: 1.

6) The construction joint shall not be roughened, for example, the loose concrete and laitance shall not be removed at the construction joint of column wall.

What are the common forms of jerry-building? 1.

3) Reinforcing bar, additional bar, etc.

It mainly involves three related parties: the construction party: in order to reduce the project cost, the design party and the construction party are required to adopt or use low-quality materials and components for design and construction.

5) Formwork reinforcement is not in place, resulting in formwork shifting and expansion.

What are the direct and root causes of unqualified quality? 2.

2) The base course is not properly treated during waterproof construction, such as not solid and not clean; The internal and external corners are not made with arc corners, and no waterproof additional layer is made.

4) No vibration, missing vibration and random vibration during concrete pouring.

▲ Exposed reinforcement of column ▲ Exposed reinforcement of slab bottom ▲ Exposed reinforcement of beam bottom 5) The raw material of reinforcement is not cut flat, and the number of effective threads for straight thread connection is insufficient.

The first time, the concrete thickness shall be controlled at 1/3~1/2 of the plate thickness, and the steel bar shall be used to tamp and compact.

④, the waterproof material shall be used for treatment once (the pipe edge shall be turned up to 50mm above the building elevation, and the periphery shall be 150~200mm outside the hole edge), and the closed water test shall be conducted.

5) The floor is not subject to secondary plastering, polishing, watering and curing, or the curing time is insufficient.

Concrete engineering 1) The cement parameter in the mix proportion of commercial concrete is low.


3) The mortar is not full.

2) Do not wet the formwork before pouring concrete.

The disclosure contents shall be operable, and the process flow standards and quality acceptance standards shall be specified.

3) When the formwork joint is too large, no effective measures are taken, but snakeskin bags are used to plug the leakage.

9) The post-cast strip shall not be roughened, cleaned, pumped or maintained during pouring.

Plastering works 1) Before plastering, there is no net hanging at the junction of walls of different materials.

Strict material acceptance system to prevent subcontracting from earning price difference by substituting inferior products for superior ones.

How to determine whether it is jerry-built? Jerry-building is an act taken by all parties involved in the construction of the project to reduce the project quality standards, violate the project construction quality acceptance specifications, and escape the quality supervision and acceptance procedures based on their own economic interests.

5) Tie bars are not placed on both sides of the structural column and construction tunnel according to the specification requirements.


3) Water shall be added during concrete pumping and pouring.

Construction unit (including general contractor, subcontractor and team): the material quality is lower than the design and specification requirements, and the construction process is not in accordance with the construction process standards and quality acceptance standards.

7) Beam-column joints with large differences in concrete grade need not be blocked with steel wire mesh or are not firmly blocked.

are not installed for reinforcement.

4) The embedded anchorage length of masonry tie bar is insufficient and loose.

Many subcontractors earn profits by replacing the inferior with the superior and replacing the inferior with the superior.


7) The hanging holes at the roof and toilet are not poured twice, which is easy to cause leakage Hole chiseling; ② Rinse one layer of plain cement slurry around; ③ The fine stone concrete with higher strength shall be poured in two times.

▲ No tie bar ▲ Tie bar has been set 6) The concrete pouring at the top of structural column is not dense.

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2) The number of corner protection and cake making is too small for plastering.


2) The formwork support is not equipped with sweeping bars, the spacing between vertical and horizontal bars is too large, the anti-skid safety fasteners are not buckled, and the upper part is not equipped with vertical and horizontal horizontal bars.

Formwork works 1) The thickness, size and quality standard of formwork and wooden brace fail to meet the requirements, the thickness of steel pipe fasteners is too thin, and the corrosion is serious.

4) The cushion blocks of the protective layer are not enough or placed in conformity with the requirements, especially the beam bottom.

Supervision unit: failing to perform supervision responsibilities and strictly implementing acceptance procedures.

Strictly speaking, it is an illegal act.

Waterproof works 1) Non-standard products are used for waterproof materials, such as insufficient thickness of coiled materials and other indicators that do not meet the standard.

6) “Thin reinforcement” is adopted, and the tensile rate of coiled reinforcement exceeds the specification requirements (the cold drawing rate of plain round reinforcement shall not be greater than 4%, and the cold drawing rate of ribbed reinforcement shall not be greater than 1%).

Arc shall be made at internal and external corners in the base course of coiled material waterproof surface course.



8) During concrete pouring, there is no rebar worker or carpenter on duty, and there is no one to deal with formwork running and breaking.

The details of waterproof base ▲ The concrete waterproof base shall be solid, clean, flat, calendered, and free of sand.

4) The spacing of split screw is not implemented according to the plan.



Rebar works 1) The rebar binding is too thin, skipping binding and missing binding, especially the beam bottom rebar.

Requirements for arc diameter: asphalt waterproof roll 200~300mm, polymer modified asphalt waterproof roll 100mm, synthetic polymer waterproof roll 40mm.

The height of the groove from the finished surface of the roof shall not be less than 250mm.

2) The blocks shall not be wetted in advance, and dry bricks shall be put on the wall during masonry construction.

The semi-finished and finished materials of other materials can not meet the requirements of national standards, which is often referred to as “non-standard” products, such as the thickness of stainless steel tubes for railings, ceramic tiles and other decorative materials.