At the construction site at a crossroad in Hangzhou, something unexpected was suddenly dug up! It turns out that

At present, this section of Shixin Road widening project has been suspended.

At this time, he found an unusual thing.

“This discovery makes the direction of the south wall of the ancient city of Xiaoshan clearer and helps to study the changes of the ancient city of Xiaoshan.” According to the Records of Xiaoshan City, in the 32nd year of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty (1553), in order to defend the Japanese invaders, Shi Yaochen, the county magistrate of Xiaoshan, was ordered to rebuild the county seat, which was started in November, completed in March of the next year, and completed in April.

Song Ruchun, a construction worker at the site that day, recalled that he was digging a north-south gas pipe trench for gas pipeline construction.

“The color and texture of the excavated stones are different from those of ordinary stones.

“At present, we are discussing the next construction plan with the construction party.

The city wall was repaired and reinforced many times in the Qing Dynasty.

Since then, the Xiaoshan City Wall has stood for more than 300 years.

They are covered with a layer of white lime-like material, which seems to be some years old.” After the Xiaoshan District Cultural Protection Bureau learned the news, it organized personnel to carry out archaeological clearance on the site, and communicated with the construction unit, requesting a temporary suspension.

These stones were transported to the Xiaoshan District Museum and will be displayed as exhibits of the museum.

Flat End Socket

At 1:23 a.m.

Source: Is there anything else near Xiaoshan’s APP? Points of continuous attention ↓↓ 91.8 The snack bar is in operation and can enter the store by clicking the figure below ↓↓.

“The site of the ancient city wall found this time has important historical value.” According to the relevant person in charge of the Xiaoshan District Cultural Protection Office, the Xiaoshan ancient city wall was built in the Ming Dynasty and the Ming and Qing dynasties.

The first principle is to take the protection of cultural relics as the premise, and carry out reasonable construction after the scientific evaluation of the project plan,” said the relevant person in charge of the Xiaoshan District Cultural Preservation Office.

At about 8:30 a.m.

In addition, I would like to remind netizens that the cultural relics of Xiaoshan in different periods are the witness of Xiaoshan’s more than 8000 years of history, and are also non-renewable precious cultural resources, which need the participation and protection of every Xiaoshan citizen.

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, the Xiaoshan County Government formed a demolition committee, and from December of the 27th year of the Republic of China to November of the next year, the rest of the city walls were demolished.

At present, the ancient city wall sites in Xiaoshan include the Baige Mountain section and the Xishan section.

At the center and under the sidewalk on the south side of Xiaoran South Road, he found that there were neatly built stones exposed, and there were also some stones scattered around the construction site, which might be the site of Xiaoshan Ancient City Wall.

According to the confirmation of the relevant person in charge of the Xiaoshan Cultural Relics Protection and Archaeology Institute (hereinafter referred to as the Xiaoshan Cultural Relics Protection Institute), this site may be a small section of the southern wall site of Xiaoshan Ancient City built in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

In the future, we will continue to pay attention to the progress of the protection of the ancient city wall site.

on the 12th, cultural relics enthusiast Zhang Guoxiong stopped when he passed the intersection of Shixin South Road and Xiaoran South Road under construction.

If cultural relics are found during construction, please contact the local cultural station or Xiaoshan Museum.

From the 14th year of the Republic of China (1925) to the 19th year, due to the construction of Xiaoshao Highway and Hangjiang Railway, the construction of Beiganshan Nursery and Pidongmen Market, the northern city wall and part of the eastern and western sections of the city wall were successively demolished.

yesterday (the 13th), the reporter came to the construction site and found that the construction party had stopped construction, and the workers on the site were carefully moving a few blocks of previously excavated stones.

At the construction site of the intersection of Shixin South Road and Xiaoran South Road, some citizens found the suspected site of Xiaoshan Ancient City Wall.