RMB 10000 will be fined for barbaric construction under the high-voltage line!

“What a mess our greenhouse and mushroom house are!” villager Tian Chuanliang looked at the burning fire and wiped tears.

In order to prevent the flames from jumping out, they sprinkled water on the adjacent greenhouses and mushroom houses.

After confirming that the driver is out of danger and the truck is stable, the power supply staff pulls the truck back to the road with the crane ready to lift the electrical equipment.

On the same day, State Grid Shandong Electric Power held an office meeting of the Leading Group for Party History Learning and Education.

At this time, I saw the flames roaring up the roof and the roof tiles falling down.

On March 18, the State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power held the opening ceremony of the second staff art festival and the staff lecture hall activity of “My Heart to the Party, Flowers Blossom in Zhejiang Electric Power”.

Thank you for meeting you.” After the people and cars were out of danger, the driver repeatedly thanked me.

Six “water hoses” sprayed the burning fire.

launched the special action of “building a century-old red ship for the party and the people’s power industry for the people” and the power security 100-day pledge conference was held in Jiaxing.

(Du Huicai Xiao Zheng) ▶ On March 18, State Grid Shandong Electric Power held an asset life cycle management promotion meeting.

During the blasting process, the blast line was blown off and hung on the wire.

(He Jia) The emergency rescue of 03 truck rollover power supply staff is not good.

The power supply staff quickly went to inspect and found a gun wire hanging on the C-phase wire of 17~18 poles.

The power supply staff quickly gathered around and kept the pedestrians and vehicles away from the road while helping the driver to leave the vehicle safely.

Visiting residents nearby learned that there was an explosion near the line at that time.

It was learned on the same day that the State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Company held a promotion meeting for the research and development of live working robots in the distribution network.

Today is really lucky.

According to the first paragraph of Article 50 of the Regulations of Shandong Province on Electric Power Facilities and Energy Protection, the Jining Energy Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment imposed an administrative penalty of 10000 yuan on the construction team.

(Zhu Fei, Bai Yang, Jiahui, Wang Xiao, Chen Cong) ▶ On March 19, it was learned that the State Grid Fujian Electric Power and the Fujian Provincial Development and Reform Commission jointly held a promotion meeting to comprehensively improve the service level of “access to electricity” and continuously optimize the operation of electricity and business environment, and deployed and mobilized the action of “double satisfaction – business environment and electricity heating”.

During the further investigation, two people admitted to conducting geological exploration near the line.

The law enforcement personnel of the Jining Energy Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment, through on-site investigation and evidence collection, determined that the construction personnel of the drilling crew carried out geophysical prospecting operations endangering the power facilities under the line between towers 17 and 18 of the 110kV Ningmeng Line, causing the line to trip.

(Li Bo) Important information at provincial level ▶ On March 17, the Northwest Branch of the State Grid organized the State Grid Shaanxi Electric Power, the State Grid DC Construction Branch and other units to hold the first start-up coordination meeting of the Shaanxi-Wuhan DC transmission terminal AC system, and fully started the preparation for production.

Shandong Jining Jiaxiang Power Supply Company received the dispatch notice that the 110 kV Ningmeng Line had a fault and the phase C ground tripped.

organized the first construction driving license practical examination.

A truck is about to rollover! On the morning of March 17, at the roadside of Gaoxiang Village, Zhuanji Town, Jieshou City, the employees of Anhui Fuyang Jieshou Power Supply Company, who were preparing to carry out centralized maintenance of the 10 kV brick line, saw a truck transporting sand sink into a roadside ditch, with the right wheel deeply sunk and the left wheel completely suspended, and there was a danger of rollover at any time.

(Lin Meimei) ▶ On March 18, State Grid Hunan Electric Power Co., Ltd.

Headline story 01 Fine 10000 yuan for barbaric construction under high-voltage line! What are the consequences of barbaric construction and destruction of power facilities? On March 19, it was learned that a related administrative penalty of 10000 yuan was implemented.

On March 16, State Grid Fujian Electric Power started the special action of “consolidating and improving the year” of supply chain operation.

applied the distribution network dual-arm fully autonomous live working robot to complete the live connection and drainage line field operation for the first time at the operation site of the 45 # pole of the 10 kV Xiangli Line in Zhuzhou, achieving a breakthrough in the live robot field operation of Hunan distribution network.

The power supply staff also helped evacuate the surrounding villagers and clear the fire passage…

“At that time, my hair burst, and if I turned it into the ditch, my loss would be too great.

(Wang Zhedong, Liu Cheng) 02 saw that the power supply staff were rushing all the way “Look, whose house is on fire?” At about 5:00 p.m.

After half an hour, the fire was effectively controlled, and the power supply staff’s hanging heart finally fell.

It turned out that Tian Chuanliang was busy doing the work in the shed when he was burning the kang at home, which caused the fire to burn outside the furnace and caused a fire.

(Hou Dan and Wang Yanli make public) ▶ On March 19, it was learned that the State Grid Hebei Electric Power Co., Ltd.

He immediately called the on-duty staff Kingdom Double, and they ran all the way.

Soon, six fire engines arrived at the scene.

The power supply staff shall report the site situation level by level and report it to the Jining Energy Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment, and notify the person in charge of a drilling crew of the accident unit to cooperate with the investigation.

(Ge Chang, Gao Lilian) ▶ On March 19, the State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Co., Ltd.

on March 17, Chunsheng, the head teacher of the Chenming Power Supply Office of the Agricultural Power Bureau of Tangyuan County, Jiamusi, Heilongjiang Province, saw that the fire was burning in the sky over the Chenming Village, which is located in the west of Chenming Town.

On March 19, the State Grid Hunan Electric Power held the first session of “Hunan Electric Power Seeking Truth Lecture” and “Learning History and Understanding Rationality” in 2021.

When arriving at the site, the power supply staff quickly disconnected the power supply.

Flat End Socket

It happened at 8:34 on March 3.

With the strong wind, the fire is burning more and more vigorously, and the flames are getting higher and higher.

“Thanks to the power supply staff who cut off the power and put out the fire in time, they bought valuable time for rescue, otherwise they would not know what their home would be like,” Tian Chuanliang said gratefully.

Before the fire brigade came, the power supply staff rushed forward, received and carried water, and went straight to the fire site to put out the fire.

(Cheng Lin, Wang Zhiwei) ▶ On March 19, State Grid Tianjin Electric Power started the spring inspection of the communication network.

According to preliminary judgment, the fault point is between 15~20 poles of the line.