Villagers are superstitious that feng shui obstructs power construction. Police: administrative detention!

It is the right way to obey the law.

Some of the pictures are from the internet.

Unexpectedly, old man Zhang refused, saying that it was a feng shui tree in front of his house and could not be cut.

It turns out that the line project being constructed by S County Power Supply Company needs to erect an iron tower in the village, and this iron tower is near the sisters’ home.

When the conductor is aged to a certain extent, the power supply line will discharge, and the trees under the line will become electrical conductors, seriously threatening the life safety of residents.

What’s the matter? The two sisters were superstitious about geomantic omen and obstructed the construction of electricity.

If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete them in time.

Please don’t try to ride the police car easily.

(“Feng Shui” stumbled, and they were not alone → the old man smashed the transformer wildly, resulting in a nine-hour power outage) The sisters were punished for obstructing the construction because of the “Feng Shui” problem.

Zhang were punished by administrative detention for 8 days and 10 days respectively and fined.

PVC Chamfer

The headline gentleman was shocked recently.

I won’t let you work.

Because the sisters were tough and refused to cooperate, the police summoned them according to law, imposed administrative detention and fined them after they failed to persuade them.

The Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulations on the Protection of Electric Power Facilities clearly stipulates that electric power enterprises shall cut down trees and bamboos newly planted or naturally growing in the designated protection area of electric power facilities that may endanger the safety of electric power facilities, and shall not pay any compensation for trees, forest land, vegetation restoration and other expenses.

It can be seen that your geomantic omen has nothing to do with these trees?” Speaking of his two excellent sons, The old man Zhang immediately beamed with joy: “My two sons are educated, and I can’t hold them back!” With that, the old man Zhang picked up a hacksaw and walked towards the trees in front of the door…

Neither of them could persuade them to leave.

What should I do?” The director of the power supply office reminded Zhang Laohan of his two sons who graduated from master’s degree, and enlightened him: “Before these trees were planted, your family had two master’s students.

Zhang and Mr.

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Long-term contact and friction between tree branches and wires will accelerate the aging of insulated conductors.

On October 21, when cleaning up the transmission line channel of a village, the staff of H City Power Supply Company in H Province found that the safety distance between several Toon trees in front of Zhang Laohan’s house and the 10kV line was not enough, and some branches had almost “surrounded” the line.

“The iron tower is facing the gate of my house, which is bad for my feng shui!” So, since October, they two have come to the construction site many times to block the construction on the grounds that the tower affects the “feng shui” of their house.

Tip: The safe distance between the power supply line and trees or other buildings is: 10 kV and below – 5 meters 35~110 kV – 10 meters 220 kV – 15 meters 500 kV – 20 meters 750 kV – 25 meters ± 800 kV – 30 meters 1000 kV – 30 meters trees are close to the power supply line.

The staff of the power supply station immediately contacted Zhang Laohan and hoped that he would agree to clean up the Toon Tree.

The circumstances are serious.

“Feng Shui” is not credible.

The law should comply with the “Law on Public Security Administration and Punishment” and the “Regulations on the Protection of Electric Power Facilities”, which have detailed provisions on blocking construction and cutting trees.

When the police arrived at the construction site, the two sisters sat on the ground and squatted beside each other, one behind the other, “occupying the mountain is the king”.

The netizen commented: “Your Feng Shui is really bad, or you will not be detained.” The old man thought: the tree and “Feng Shui” have nothing to do with the muddle-headed sisters in the village, and there is also an old man Zhang who understands.

Zhang and Mr.

Why can power supply companies cut trees? The second paragraph of Article 24 of the Regulations on the Protection of Power Facilities stipulates that power enterprises shall trim or cut down trees and bamboos that are planted or grow naturally in the legally demarcated power facilities protection areas and may endanger the safety of power facilities according to law.

“When the trees are cut down, the geomantic omen is broken.


What can I do? Article 23 of the Law on Administrative Penalties for Public Security stipulates that anyone who disturbs the order of government organs, organizations, enterprises and institutions, and causes work, production, business, medical treatment, teaching and scientific research to be unable to proceed normally, but has not caused serious losses, shall be given a warning or fined not more than 200 yuan; If the circumstances are relatively serious, he shall be detained for not less than five days but not more than ten days and may also be fined not more than 500 yuan.

Let’s start with a police report: since October, Mr.

Zhang in T Village of S County have repeatedly stopped the construction of the 35 kV line project at the construction site.

It has been 8102 years, and there are still people who are superstitious about “feng shui”, even breaking the law.

Don’t believe in feudal superstition.

Zhang and Zhang were the villagers of T village.