Villagers are superstitious about feng shui obstructing power construction, police: administrative detention!

It turns out that the line project under construction by S County Power Supply Company needs to erect an iron tower in the village, which is near the home of the sisters.

Unexpectedly, Old Man Zhang refused, stating that this is a feng shui tree in front of his house and cannot be cut.

It has been 8102 years and there are still people who are superstitious about “feng shui” and even willing to violate the law.

Let’s first take a look at a police report: Since October, Zhang and Zhang from T Village in S County have repeatedly obstructed the construction of the 35 kV line project at the construction site.

This iron tower is facing the gate of my house, damaging my feng shui! “So, since October, the two of them have repeatedly visited the construction site to obstruct construction on the grounds that the tower affects their house’s feng shui.

Headline Jun has been shocked recently.

No one could persuade them to leave.

On October 21st, employees of the H city power supply company in H province discovered that the safety distance between the several trees in front of the village’s Zhang Laohan’s house and the 10kV line was insufficient, and some branches were almost “enveloping” the line.

There were two confused sisters and a clear man named Zhang Laohan.

The staff of the power supply station quickly contacted Zhang Laohan, hoping that he would agree to clean up the Toon Tree.

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(The “Feng Shui” stumbled, and they were not alone → The old man smashed the transformer, causing a 9-hour power failure) The sisters were punished after obstructing the construction because of the “Feng Shui” problem.

One after the other, they were “king of the mountain”.

It can be seen that your feng shui has nothing to do with these trees, right? “Speaking of his two excellent sons, My two sons have culture, and I can’t hold them back! “Said Zhang Laohan with a smile on his face.

The circumstances are serious, and Zhang and Zhang were respectively punished with administrative detention for 8 days and 10 days, and fined.

What should I do if I cut down a tree and the feng shui is broken? “The director of the power supply station reminded Zhang Laohan of his two sons who graduated with a master’s degree, and advised him,” Before these trees were planted, your family had two master’s students.

He picked up a hacksaw and walked towards the few Toon trees in front of the door…” Feng Shui “is not trustworthy, and the law must comply with the” Public Security Management Punishment Law “and the” Electricity Facility Protection Regulations “, which have detailed regulations on obstructing construction and logging trees

Zhang was a villager in T village.

The netizen commented: “Your Feng Shui is really bad, otherwise you would not be detained.” The old man realized that the tree and the “Feng Shui” had nothing to do with the village.

Because the sisters were tough and refused to cooperate, the police summoned them according to law and imposed administrative detention and fine on them after their persuasion failed.

When the police arrived at the construction site, the two sisters sat on the ground and squatted beside each other.

What’s going on here? The sisters were superstitious about geomancy and obstructed electric power construction, and Zhang was detained.