“Industry information” eliminate backward construction technology, equipment and materials, and comprehensively improve the intrinsic safety

The items listed in the catalogue are divided into two categories: Housing construction projects and municipal infrastructure projects.

At the same time, we also see that there are still some problems in the field of construction, such as backward technology and construction methods and low safety performance of equipment and materials, which directly or indirectly led to the occurrence of production safety accidents in some housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects, causing serious losses to people’s lives and property.

A total of 22 construction processes, equipment and materials endangering production safety were eliminated in the first batch.

The contents of the catalogue are deeply in line with the basic concept of green construction with environmental friendliness, resource conservation, process safety and quality assurance.

Cast In Loop

For example, on July 14, 2020, a gas tank used for hot melt waterproof construction on the roof of a construction site under construction in Chengdu, Sichuan Province exploded, resulting in a fire accident.

The following is a brief description of several accident cases: first, the manual hole digging process of foundation pile.

Therefore, the use of this form of pile process must be restricted in all aspects of safety during construction.

However, there are various problems in the hot-melt process of open fire construction, among which the poor safety is the prominent disadvantage.

The third is the portal steel pipe support frame.

From 2015 to now, the housing and urban rural development departments of Beijing, Shanghai, Qingdao and other cities have successively issued documents to prohibit the hot-melt process of asphalt waterproof coiled materials, and pointed out that this process is prone to fire accidents and will produce carcinogens harmful to human body.

Jiang Hua, an expert of the engineering quality and safety professional committee of the science and Technology Commission of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development and senior manager of the safety supervision department of CSCEC, pointed out that some cases of mass casualties in recent years show that due to defects in equipment and facilities, backward process materials Inadequate protection or improper operation of personnel lead to “unsafe state of objects”, which has buried huge potential safety hazards for housing and municipal engineering, which is an important reason for inducing safety accidents.

Eliminate backward construction technology, equipment and materials and comprehensively improve the intrinsic safety level of housing and municipal engineering construction — an expert interpretation of the catalogue of elimination of construction technology, equipment and materials endangering production safety in housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects (the first batch) news source: China Construction News.

From May to July 2021, there were three consecutive fire accidents in Dalian, Liaoning Province.

Due to the bad construction environment and the unpredictability of risks, the personnel engaged in this operation are always in a highly dangerous state, which is easy to cause accidents such as high falling, object strike, drowning, collapse, electric shock, poisoning and suffocation.

As the waterproof material with the largest market share and the highest production capacity of enterprises, asphalt waterproof coiled material is widely used in major civil buildings and urban infrastructure.

A few days ago, several experts made corresponding interpretations on the relevant issues of the catalogue.

On May 5, 2020, at the site of a project in Yidu City, Hubei Province, two workers died of suffocation during manual hole digging pile cleaning.

Due to the full hall load-bearing support frame erected by portal steel pipe frame, the frame size has no flexibility.

Release time: 2022-01-2616:12:54 – December 2021, The Ministry of housing and urban rural development issued the catalogue of elimination of construction processes, equipment and materials endangering production safety in housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects (the first batch) (hereinafter referred to as the catalogue).

All of them were caused by sparks splashing out when the spray gun was used to heat the waterproof materials during the waterproof construction, which ignited the surrounding combustible substances.

Similar fire accidents caused by hot-melt waterproof construction are common.

Professor Pan Peng, deputy secretary of the Civil Engineering College of Tsinghua University, explained that since the eighteen Party Congress, the level of construction in China has been remarkably improved, and the construction technology, equipment and materials have made great progress in terms of advanced nature and safety.

The second is the hot melting process of asphalt waterproof coiled material (open fire construction).

It shall not be used in waterproof projects near underground confined spaces, poorly ventilated spaces and flammable materials.

Any change in the frame size requires another model of gantry and its accessories, and the cross support is easy to break at the middle hinge point, resulting in structural instability and accidents..

The catalogue is of great significance to promoting green construction and high quality development.

It is an important measure to prevent and resolve the hidden dangers of major accidents in housing and municipal projects The key to improve the safety production level of construction.

Pan Peng believes that the introduction of the catalogue is not only an urgent requirement to curb mass deaths and injuries, but also an important measure to fight the battle of pollution prevention and control and help achieve the goal of “double carbon”.

The catalogue is scientific, reasonable and applicable, which can effectively improve the intrinsic safety level of housing and municipal engineering construction.

The occurrence of safety accidents in the manual hole digging process of various foundation piles is basically caused by many factors, such as poor geological conditions at the construction site, air in the hole does not meet the standards, imperfect safety measures and so on.

For example, on July 2, 2018, at the site of a shantytown reconstruction project in Leiyang City, Hunan Province, a worker was killed by falling stones while working underground with manual hole digging piles.

The catalogue fully reflects the general requirements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on promoting high-quality economic development and green development.

It provides clear guidance for local housing and urban-rural construction departments at all levels and the main bodies of construction, construction, design, supervision and other parties involved in the construction on the cognition, evaluation and disposal of construction technology, equipment and materials, and will effectively eliminate a number of unscientific Unreasonable and low-level construction technology, equipment and materials will promote the R & D and wider and deeper application of new green construction technologies, and promote the safety of the whole process of project construction and the high-quality development of urban and rural construction.

It prohibits or restricts the use of backward construction processes, equipment and materials that endanger production safety and do not meet the requirements of green construction and high-quality development.

It has played an important role in promoting and ensuring the stable improvement of the construction safety situation.