Notice on Taiyuan construction safety production knowledge competition

Notice on issues related to the implementation of safety management regulations for divisional and subdivisional works with high risks (jbz (2018) No.

General specification for construction scaffolds (gb55023-2022); 23.

493); 7.

37 of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development); 15.

Regulations on supervision of implementation of mandatory standards for engineering construction (2021); 17.

Unified standard for safety technology of construction scaffolds (gb51210-2016); 24.

Technical code for safety of temporary electricity on construction site (JGJ46-2005); 19.

Appendix: scope of contest question bank 1.

Guidelines for construction safety supervision and management of tall formwork support system in construction projects (JZ [2009] No.

Amendment to the criminal law of the people’s Republic of China (11); 5.

Requirements for fifteen hard measures for safety production; 6.

Standard for determination of hidden dangers of major accidents in production safety of housing and municipal engineering (2022); 9.

Engineering quality and Safety Manual (jsbghz [2020] No.

118); 12.

393 of the State Council); 8.

Technical code for safety of building construction formwork jgj162 - 2008..

Interim Measures for dynamic supervision of work safety license of construction enterprises (JZ [2008] No.

Guidance atlas for safety production standardization of housing and municipal engineering (jbzh [2019] No.

Provisions on construction safety supervision of housing construction and municipal infrastructure engineering (revised in 2019); 13.

Technical code for safety of bowl buckle steel pipe scaffold in construction jgj166-2016; 27.

Production safety law of the people’s Republic of China (2021); 2.

Regulations on the administration of work safety of construction projects (Order No.

Construction Law of the people’s Republic of China (2019); 3.

Administrative punishment law of the people’s Republic of China, revised in 2021; 4.

Technical code for safety of steel tubular scaffold with couplers in construction jgj130-2011; 28.

121); 21.

Evaluation standard for implementation of work safety standardization in engineering construction (t/cecs490-2017); 10.

Standard for safety inspection of building construction jgj59-2011; 29.

Regulations on safety supervision and management of construction cranes (Decree No.

Measures for establishment of safety production management organization and allocation of full-time safety production management personnel in construction enterprises; 16.

Regulations on reporting, investigation and handling of production safety accidents (No.

Safety production management regulations for main principals, project principals and full-time safety production management personnel of construction enterprises; 22.

Safety regulations for tower cranes (gb5144-2006); 26.

Magnetic Box

254); 20.

Regulations on safety management of divisional and subdivisional works with high risks (Order No.

Safety production evaluation standard for construction enterprises jgj/t77-2010; 30.

90); 11.

31); 14.

166 of the Ministry of construction); 18.

Hanging basket for work at heights (gb/t19155-2017); 25.