Construction technology of high-speed hydraulic tamping machine? High speed hydraulic tamping machine manufacturer?

At the same time, it can effectively reduce the settlement of the subgrade, improve the quality of the project, improve the strength of the subgrade, and then improve the project quality.

It can produce a large shear stress and normal stress in the soil, so as to effectively overcome the cohesion of cohesive soil, compress the soil and remove the air and water in the soil.

What should be paid attention to when these two kinds of equipment are integrated with the 50 loader? The characteristic of impact compaction is that the huge kinetic energy is converted into impulse in a very short time, thus forming a huge impact force acting instantaneously.

Impact compaction method is to use the non-circular impact roller of impact roller to impact and compact the foundation to achieve the required compactness.

The shock wave formed by impact energy can be transmitted to very deep depth, so it has great advantages in compaction depth.

Construction technology of high-speed hydraulic tamping machine? High speed hydraulic tamping machine manufacturer? In the previous articles, we talked about the problems that should be paid attention to when the forklift with impact roller and the loader refits the hydraulic compactor.

The compaction efficiency can reach more than 10 times that of the traditional roller, which can reduce the construction cost and shorten the construction period.

Magnetic Recess Former

We all know that both the impact roller and the hydraulic compactor have certain requirements or even restrictions on the type selection of the loader.

It is suitable for large-area soil filling projects…