[great cause • safety management] with the increase of high temperature and thunderstorm weather, the “six precautions” shall be kept in

Outdoor lighting fixtures shall be provided with rainproof covers.

The construction shall adhere to the policy of “prevention first and safety first”, earnestly take safety precautions during construction, actively carry out safety training and education for operators, improve the safety protection awareness of employees, and reduce the probability of various accidents, so that safety production can be prevented.

Of course, there are still many matters needing attention during construction in summer thunderstorm weather, and the above are just a few of them.


(4) Electric shock prevention measures shall be taken for welding in humid environment.

Lightning protection safety (1) with the increase of thunderstorms in summer, the lightning protection work of tall construction machinery, such as construction elevators and tower cranes, should be done in place.

The construction site for food poisoning prevention shall store heatstroke prevention food.

(2) Mechanical equipment on the construction site shall be provided with reliable grounding protection devices.

3 fire safety (1) fire is easy to occur in hot and dry weather.

(1) Work and rest time shall be reasonably arranged, and outdoor operation in high temperature weather shall be avoided through measures such as “working at both ends and taking a break”.

(4) During the rainstorm, ensure smooth communication, deal with major dangerous situations immediately, and report to relevant departments in time.


(2) Reliable drainage facilities shall be provided at the construction site.

Source: China Construction Enterprise Management Association pays attention to us: wyxmgl Jiangsu Weiye Project Management Co., Ltd.

(4) Outdoor welding is strictly prohibited in rainy days.

(5) During the use of oxygen and acetylene cylinders, safety operation procedures shall be strictly observed, and anti exposure measures shall be taken.

In case of power failure, turn off all power supplies in time to avoid lightning damage.

(4) Turn off the walking lights and close the doors and windows to prevent rainwater from penetrating into the room and damaging property.

Expired and deteriorated food shall be destroyed and forbidden to eat, and fly, mosquito and insect prevention shall be done well.

Flood control safety (1) before construction in rainy season, the project department shall make flood control preparations in advance and prepare sufficient flood control emergency materials and equipment; Operators shall be equipped with raincoats, rain shoes and other protective articles.

The heat is coming and thunderstorms are increasing.



(3) When working at high temperature, if there are signs of heatstroke such as dizziness, nausea, chest tightness, palpitation, fatigue, etc., go to a cool place to rest immediately, and take heatstroke prevention and cooling drugs, cool drinks, etc.

The distribution box shall be installed indoors as far as possible, and a rainproof shed shall be built outdoors.

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What measures should be taken to ensure safe production and prevent accidents? The construction site shall bear in mind the “six prevention” measures against high temperature, food poisoning, fire, electric shock, flood and lightning to ensure construction safety.

(3) In thunderstorm days, do not stand under trees, near electric poles, billboards and other tall buildings, and do not stand in the open and make mobile phone calls outdoors.

Before the rainy season, the drainage system shall be inspected, dredged, repaired and reinforced, and drainage facilities shall be added if necessary.

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The construction site shall be on duty and monitored.

All fire-fighting facilities at the construction site should be inspected frequently, especially in key fire-fighting areas.

(2) Strengthen training and education on fire protection knowledge for on-site construction personnel and supervisors, and take measures and report in case of fire.

(2) In thunderstorm weather, operators shall wear rubber soled shoes, turn off their mobile phones, do not walk near lightning wires, and do not stay near mud pits and pools.

(3) The construction site shall be equipped with sufficient and complete fire-fighting equipment, which shall be inspected regularly, and the expired or invalid ones shall be replaced in time.

(3) Strengthen the inspection of electrical equipment and lines, take rain proof measures, and replace damaged wires and electrical boxes to prevent leakage and electric shock.


(3) During construction in rainy season, ensure the smoothness of on-site transportation roads and remove ponding.

Heatstroke prevention and cooling: the weather in summer is hot, and there are many thunderstorms, resulting in high temperature and humid environment at the construction site, which greatly increases the risk of heatstroke.

Safety against electric shock (1) before the rainy season, the machines, tools and electrical equipment shall be protected against rain.

(2) High temperature workplaces shall be provided with rest sheds, heatstroke prevention drugs, tea, cool salty drinks, mung bean soup, etc.