Guangdong construction team dug out a bottomless black hole, explored the cave and found the mysterious ancient country site

Experts believe that the place dug up by the engineering team is the site of the kingdom of South Vietnam, and it is likely that this black hole is the cemetery of a king of the kingdom of South Vietnam.

Someone observed the manhole cover and found that it was carved with many lines, which seemed to be related to the emperor.

and the Vietnamese all fled in the woods, with animals…

It is said that he was the longest lived king in Chinese history, and lived more than 100 years.

However, after the fall of the Qin Dynasty, the Nanyue Kingdom established here was the most influential.

These wars were basically the failure and escape of the Baiyue nationality, and the boundaries of the state of Chu continued to expand southward.

After several times of study and investigation of ancient historical books, they came to a very surprising conclusion.

It seems that there has been a long history and cultural background there.

In the process of developing to the south, Chu fought a war with a small country established by the Baiyue nationality living in Guangdong, Guangxi, Zhejiang and Fujian.

Out of the protection of historical relics, but also afraid of meeting some “unclean things” (southerners were very superstitious at that time), the project was forced to stop.

According to the evaluation of historians, the county system implemented by the Central Plains Dynasty had appeared in Nanyue at that time, and the country’s supreme ruler’s policy towards ethnic minorities was to integrate Baiyue.

Lying dead and bleeding hundreds of thousands.” This is a historical past of the Qin Dynasty’s conquest of the south of the Yangtze River, recorded in Huainanzi ยท people’s leisure training.

According to their description, the discovered black hole is a cultural relic left by a mysterious kingdom in the Qin and Han Dynasties.

The series of wars against ethnic minorities launched by Qinshihuang basically won the final victory, and China’s territory also expanded from a small part in the south of the Yangtze River to the coastal areas.

Before Ren Xiao’s death, Zhao Tuo was not the protagonist in Lingnan.

After the experts came to watch, they were ecstatic and said that they had finally made a major discovery.

So how can dynasties appear in Guangdong? Which kings rule there? Guangdong has been very active for three times in Chinese history.

During the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, the state of Chu developed to the south through the annexation war.

The second very active period was the development of the South during the unification war of the Qin Dynasty.

Qin Shihuang once sent more than 100000 troops and more than 500000 prisoners to move to Lingnan, which in history is now Guangdong.

To fight with the Vietnamese and kill the West Ou Jun…

The general meaning is that Emperor Qinshihuang sent Duwei to lead more than 500000 people (prisoners) to the south to develop and conquer the south.

People rarely heard of a dynasty or king here.

An engineering team in Guangdong dug out a very deep black hole when digging.

By the Qin Dynasty, the only undeveloped place in the South was Lingnan.

Introduction “(Emperor Qin Shihuang) ordered the Duwei Tu Sui to send 500000 soldiers…

The third period was the democratic revolution in the late Qing Dynasty.

After a long time of thinking, the leader of the team decided to invite local cultural relics experts to make an appraisal and report the excavation of the strange black hole to the local cultural relics bureau.

For example, the tool people use when farming is iron, and iron is an important division standard between the feudal dynasty and slavery.

They were very surprised and said, “finally, the mysterious kingdom that has been legendary in history is found here, and this tomb is likely to be the tomb of the king at that time”.

This is not the earliest development of the south in Chinese history.

After hearing the familiarity, the cultural relics bureau came to the construction site to observe it without stopping.

2ใ€ The experts were shocked and saw only a few experts who were mainly responsible for the identification.

The widespread use of iron by the Baile nationality in Lingnan indicates that they have entered the feudal society, which is basically after the Central Plains Dynasty.

The first king of Nanyue was Zhao Tuo, who was very mysterious.

It has been very low-key since the Qin Dynasty was included in the territory of China.

Therefore, these people who think the well cover is very special think that the black hole they dug up may be the tomb of a king or prince in history.

According to the traditional view of some people, the most emperors in China are in the northern region, and most of China’s capital is located in the north of the Yangtze River, except Nanjing, the estuary of the Yangtze River.

After finishing cleaning up the vassal states in the Central Plains, Qinshihuang began to expand and covet the territory of the south..

When a group of workers were digging in Panyu Area of Guangzhou, they accidentally opened a hard well cover, under which was a very deep black hole.

It was the first feudal dynasty in Lingnan area, and many popular cultures in the central plains were introduced here.

So, what happened here? 1ใ€ From the surprise of the black hole to the 1970s, with the in-depth development of urban economic construction, there were more and more urban buildings and factory buildings in Guangzhou.

Rebar Cap

What kind of country is the kingdom of South Vietnam in history? 3ใ€ According to the records of the book of Han, the ancient South Vietnam was founded in 203 BC, subjugated in 111 BC, and died in 93 BC.

It is in the process of outward development that many historical relics and historic sites have been excavated.

Many important leaders and leaders of the Republic of China were basically from Guangdong, such as Sun Yat Sen, who actively encouraged the people to overthrow the Qing Dynasty, and Liao Zhongkai, who influenced Chinese consciousness.

Iron ware and farming technology have also been widely promoted in Lingnan area, and many people in the country have got rid of the traditional customs of “nomadic farming life” and relying on heaven for food.

The first was during the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period.

Because of the fear that the black hole will contain some toxic substances, or gas, the engineering team has been standing still.

Divided by the current administrative regions, they are the whole Guangdong and Guangxi regions, as well as a small part of the southern regions of Hunan, Guizhou and Yunnan.

Guangdong is the second southernmost region in China.