too hot! Keep these precautions in mind for high temperature construction in summer

Lightning protection in summer.

Fire prevention in summer: do a good job of fire prevention in summer.

The construction power lines erected in the air, the three-level protection facilities, the firmness of the poles, the safe height of the lines, and the degree of wire damage should be carefully checked, and those that do not meet the requirements should be rectified immediately; The switch box shall be closed and locked by a specially assigned person after the construction to ensure the safety of electricity use; Electrical equipment should be safe and reliable with sensitive leakage protection.

For this reason, check more power lines and equipment, and keep records.

The construction unit should actively take effective heatstroke prevention and cooling measures according to the actual situation of construction and production, give full play to the efficiency of existing cooling equipment, and add necessary cooling facilities, And do a good job of inspection and maintenance in time.

Stop all outdoor operations during thunder.

Check whether the leakage protector is easy to use frequently.

Leakage protector should also be installed for temporary lighting.

As the welding sparks are high temperature and prone to fire, attention should be paid to fire safety during construction.

Damp and high-temperature weather is conducive to the growth and reproduction of mold, bacteria and viruses, making all kinds of diseases prone to occur and epidemic.

In the construction process, electric welding has become a regular operation.

The weather is hot and dry, and the temporary housing, work shed, canteen, power lighting, etc.

In case of thunderstorm, you should take shelter in a house or metal house with a little space under the roof.

In view of the actual situation of hot summer, dry climate and prone to fire accidents, regularly inspect the power distribution facilities, warehouses and other flammable places, strengthen fire prevention measures, timely deal with problems found, and equip fire extinguishing equipment as required.

Do not get close to the high-voltage pole, iron tower and lightning rod within 20 meters around the grounding wire, so as to avoid step voltage electric shock in case of lightning strike.

Adults are prone to colds, pharyngitis, asthma and other diseases.

The hot weather in summer accelerates the absorption of alcohol by blood after drinking, paralyzing the brain, resulting in the decline of perception, judgment and comprehensive analysis ability of external accidents after drinking, the scope of vision of eyes is narrowed, the reaction is slow, and the accuracy of operation is poor, which is very likely to lead to safety accidents.

Rain proof measures must be implemented for all kinds of electrical equipment used in the open air and distribution boxes…

Heatstroke is high in summer.

In July, entering the dog days, the environmental temperature of the construction site is high, the working conditions are relatively poor, and the labor intensity of the construction personnel is high, which is prone to excessive fatigue and heatstroke, which is a period of frequent accidents.

Swift Lift Anchors

The lightning protection safety device must be tested and maintained to meet the safety requirements.

to prevent electrostatic hazards.

Prevent work after drinking and strictly prohibit work after drinking.

For this purpose, the project must focus on the monitoring of high-altitude operators and mechanical equipment drivers.

The canteen of each project department shall strictly inspect the purchase and storage of food, separate raw food from cooked food, prepare food samples for 24 hours for inspection, and the sanitary conditions in the canteen must meet the requirements of on-site environmental health standards, strengthen the safety management of drinking water and food, and do a good job in insect, fly and rat prevention; Strictly implement various management systems to avoid food poisoning caused by food deterioration.

In thunderstorm weather, operations on the upper part of buildings, on the upper part of tanks and at heights are not allowed.

There are many mosquitoes in summer to prevent mosquitoes, so measures should be taken in the staff dormitory to relieve summer heat, prevent gas poisoning, prevent mosquito bites, etc.

Before operation, strictly check whether the grounding of electric equipment such as electric welding machine is connected normally.

In rainy season, pay attention to check whether the neutral connection and grounding protection measures of on-site electrical equipment are reliable.

In order to ensure safe construction operation in high temperature season, combined with the unsafe situation of construction in high temperature season, Jianzhi micro circle summarizes the following key precautions for you: construction preparation in high temperature weather to prevent heatstroke.

Care about the production and life of employees, pay attention to the combination of work and rest, adjust the work and rest time, strictly control overtime, pay close attention to the physical examination of high-temperature and high-altitude workers before entering the summer, and appropriately change jobs that are not suitable for high-temperature and high-altitude operations.

People wear thin clothes and have sweaty skin, which correspondingly increases the risk of electric shock.

To prevent food poisoning, the weather is high temperature, the food is very easy to rot and deteriorate, producing toxic substances, typhoid, bacillary dysentery and other intestinal infectious diseases and viral hepatitis are easy to epidemic.

In addition, due to the high temperature, humidity and rain in the rainy season, the insulation performance of electrical equipment is reduced, which is very easy to cause electric shock accidents.

Lightning protection and grounding detection should be done well in advance to meet the qualified standard.

The construction site and staff dormitory should pay attention to disinfection, and ensure the sanitation of drinking water and food.

Carefully check the anti-static devices such as industrial pipeline grounding of hazardous media, flange jumper, electrostatic grounding alarm, etc.

One machine, one switch and one leakage of construction machinery should be ensured.

The construction electricity is hot in summer.

If there is no place to take shelter nearby, you should close your feet and stand on non hygroscopic materials as far as possible, rather than under tall and separate trees.

Lightning protection devices should be installed in buildings, independent buildings, tank farms and flammable and explosive areas in summer when there are many thunderstorms.

should be strictly regulated to prevent fire accidents caused by mosquito repellent incense, gas burning, smoking, open fire, etc; It is forbidden to expose oxygen and acetylene cylinders to the sun during open-air operation in high temperature weather to prevent explosion accidents caused by excessive temperature of cylinders.

Indoors, it is best for the human body to be 1.5 meters away from wires, lamp caps or radio antennas, and to be as far away from heating pipelines, water pipelines, gas pipelines and other metal conductors connected with the outside world as possible.