Hot, hot, hot weather is coming. What should we pay attention to in high-temperature construction?

Summer in the complex construction environment, the matters needing attention for high-temperature construction in summer are far more than the above-mentioned contents.

Summer is the peak period of power consumption.

We need to be vigilant at all times, take precautions everywhere, and deepen the safety management to every detail.

At the same time, the storage and use management of inflammables and explosives should be strengthened, especially in workshops and coal mines that generate dust, ventilation work must be done to prevent explosion accidents due to excessive concentration.

The following lists several common safety precautions in summer construction, hoping to help your project! Heatstroke prevention and cooling 01 the summer weather is hot and dry, and it is easy to cause heatstroke if you work overload in a high-temperature environment continuously.

Through a series of effective measures to avoid heatstroke and ensure construction safety and progress.

Various fire prevention systems should be implemented, fire-fighting facilities should be fully equipped, open fire operations should be strictly controlled, and it is strictly forbidden to pull and connect wires without permission.

Even if the weather is hot, personal safety protection cannot be lax.

It’s hot in summer.

Due to seasonal factors such as high temperature, thunder and rain, the insulation degree of electrical appliances is easy to be reduced, which is easy to cause electric shock accidents and electrical fire accidents.

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Prevention of fire 04 in summer, the temperature is high, which is prone to explosion and fire accidents.

High temperature weather is coming.

In summer, the outdoor temperature is high, rainstorm and lightning weather occur frequently, adverse factors of construction increase, and safety risks increase, which is easy to cause production accidents.

The maintenance, care and testing of machinery and equipment and safety protection equipment should be done carefully to prevent the occurrence of electric shock accidents.

Summer equipment safety 05 summer thunderstorms, high temperatures, typhoons and other severe weather are frequent, which is easy to lead to the collapse of scaffolding, lifting machinery, steel structures and other tall facilities, equipment loosening and other conditions.

It is necessary to strengthen the education and management of power safety, and it is strictly forbidden to pull and connect power without permission, so as to prevent fire accidents caused by short circuit or heating of electrical equipment.

We should strengthen the key supervision of deep foundation pits, high slopes, scaffolding, formwork support system, lifting machinery equipment and other projects, so as to prevent safety accidents in extreme weather.

In order to strengthen the management of summer construction, do a good job in coping with special weather during summer construction, and effectively prevent production safety accidents.

It is suggested to adjust the labor and rest time of high-temperature operation in summer, avoid production in high-temperature period as far as possible, and achieve the combination of work and rest to ensure the health of labor workers.

Summer personal protection 02 in order to ensure construction safety, all personnel entering the site must wear safety helmets / safety ropes correctly, and special operation personnel also need to wear personal protective equipment.

However, in the construction site with unbearable high temperature, these clothes will undoubtedly aggravate physical discomfort, and some workers will inevitably take chances and give up wearing during construction.

Once the danger comes, the lack of these most basic protection will make the consequences of safety accidents more serious.

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What should we pay attention to in high temperature construction? This summer is unbearable, and the high temperature data in many places are constantly breaking new records.