Bridge the design and construction of hospital construction projects – construction drawing design!

04 the trend of digital map review is an indispensable force for innovation in the field of health care against the background of building a scientific and technological innovation center with global influence.

The construction drawing review refers to the review of the construction drawing related to public interests, public safety and mandatory standards for project construction by the construction drawing review organization (hereinafter referred to as the review organization) recognized by the competent department of construction in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

(5) A complete set of drawings and documents for construction drawing design (calculation sheet of structure discipline, indicating the name and version of calculation software).

The drawing review company shall voluntarily register within two working days after receiving the notice, and within one working day after the registration of the drawing review company, Verify whether the registration units meet the registration conditions and form a list.

Since October 1, 2014, the Shanghai review center has begun to implement the pilot work of digital map review.

It is to realize the concept of the overall design stage The scheme is the actual stage of verifying the process parameters in the preliminary design stage.

It not only can improve the efficiency of map review, but also is a powerful measure to promote honest and clean map review.

(6) Other information required for review.

In the process of preparing project proposal, feasibility study, preliminary design approval and construction drawing approval, there are also some special reviews (health and epidemic prevention, environmental impact assessment, energy saving assessment, lightning protection device design review, radiation protection review, earthquake resistance review, traffic review, rail transit review and deep foundation pit maintenance review)..

(1) Construction project planning license issued by the planning management department.

(2) Approve project initiation documents, main preliminary design documents and approval documents.

The results are design documents for construction and installation prepared based on the approved preliminary design.

In this stage, the designer’s intention and all design results are mainly expressed through the drawings.

(4) Whether it is harmful to the public interest.

After the management department verifies the application information through the information platform, the construction unit randomly selects 3-5 review institutions from the qualified candidate list, and selects one of them to undertake the review of the construction drawing design documents of the project.

The construction unit shall submit an application for releasing the selected business information of the drawing review company of the construction drawing design documents to the municipal review center, the corresponding institutions of the administrative committees of the districts (counties) and the specific regions 10 working days in advance, and shall receive the selected password according to the relevant provisions before the application.

03 key points and key points of drawing review during the review of construction drawing design documents, the design unit shall pay attention to the docking and timely communication with various disciplines of the drawing review company, and immediately feedback and modify any problems.

02 drawing review materials and contents the construction unit shall provide copies of the following documents and materials when handling the approval procedures.

The corresponding institutions shall release the business information of construction drawing design document review through the information platform within one working day, and input the relevant review business information into the information system.

After the selected work is completed, the legal representative of the construction unit or its client shall sign on the notice of drawing drawing review company of Shanghai construction project construction drawing design document for confirmation, and sign the construction drawing design document review contract with the selected unit, specifying the review content, responsibilities and obligations of both parties, review period and expenses, etc.

The review fee shall be borne by the construction unit.

The selection and selection methods are implemented in accordance with the Interim Provisions on the selection and management of drawing review companies for construction drawing design documents of Shanghai construction projects issued by Shanghai urban and rural construction and Transportation Commission, and are conducted on the city wide unified electronic information platform for drawing review companies for construction drawing design documents established by Shanghai Audit Center.

As the mutual influence between the foundation and structure of the subway project and the construction project is relatively large, the project near the subway line must carry out special foundation pit support and pile foundation construction demonstration and review, and Shentong Metro Company must carry out the third-party foundation pit support and pile foundation construction drawing review.

01 drawing review process: the construction unit applies for the selection of review units through the Internet.

The construction drawings of building works mainly review the following contents: (1) the stability and safety of buildings, including whether the foundation and main structure system are safe and reliable.

If it is necessary to modify the reviewed main contents under special circumstances, it must be re submitted to the original review unit for approval before implementation.

(4) Engineering survey result report (detailed survey).

After the construction drawing design is completed, the construction project planning permit can be handled only after it is reviewed and approved by the professional drawing review unit.

(2) Whether it complies with the national mandatory standards and specifications for project construction, such as fire protection, energy conservation, environmental protection, earthquake resistance, health and civil air defense.

During the completion acceptance of construction projects, the relevant departments shall conduct the acceptance according to the construction drawings reviewed and approved.

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(3) Opinions of relevant departments on special examination and approval of fire protection, earthquake resistance, civil air defense, energy conservation, etc.

It is the bridge of design and construction and the basis of construction.

The information system shall distribute the information to each review group according to the principle of task balance, and then notify the drawing review company of the selected group of the task allocation results.

(3) Whether the construction drawing is designed according to the approved preliminary design documents and whether the construction drawing meets the specified design depth standard.

The employer shall select the drawing review company before submitting the application for review of design documents.

Long press the identification key to enter the clean park book shop welcome message after the preliminary design has been approved by the administrative department and the supporting department, it enters the construction drawing design stage.

Civil air defense and foundation pit support works need to be reviewed by a special drawing review company.

Digital map review has the functions of “convenient and efficient, timely review, process tracking, easy supervision, front and back extension, improved management, data sharing and easy analysis”.

Once the construction drawing is reviewed and approved, it shall not be modified without authorization.