Model text of construction labor subcontract

7.2 The labor subcontractor shall fully understand the provisions of the general (subcontract) contract (except for the price details of the contracted project).

Establish a project management team suitable for the project, fully perform the general (sub) contract, organize and implement various works of construction management, and be responsible for the duration and quality of the project to the Employer; 10.2 Unless otherwise agreed in the contract, the project contractor shall complete the following work of the labor subcontractor in the early stage of the construction and bear the corresponding costs: (1) deliver the construction site that meets the conditions for the commencement of labor operations under the contract to the labor subcontractor before the date of, and the delivery requirements for the construction site that meets the conditions for commencement are:..

Unless otherwise agreed in the general (sub) contract of this project, the applicable standards and specifications of this contract are as follows: (1) (2) 7 General (Sub) Contract 7.1 The project contractor shall provide the general (sub) contract (except for the price details of the contracted project) for reference by the labor subcontractor.

9.2 The project manager assigned by the labor subcontractor to perform the contract on the construction site is, with the post of, and the title of.

Drawing 8.1 The project contractor shall provide the labor subcontractor with drawing sets and standard drawing sets related to the contract work before the commencement of labor subcontracting.

Labor subcontracting object and labor service content Project name: Project location: Subcontracting scope: Subcontracting service content: 3 Subcontracting work period Start date: MM/DD/YYYY End date: MM/DD/YYYY Total calendar working days: days 4.

Lifting Clutches

Quality standard Project quality: According to the quality agreement of the general (subcontract) contract, the current national Code for Construction and Acceptance of Building Installation Engineering and the Quality Evaluation Standard for Building Installation Engineering, The work must reach the quality assessment level.

The contract documents and their interpretation sequence constitute the contract documents and their interpretation priority are as follows: (1) the contract; (2) Annexes to the Contract; (3) General construction contract of the Project; (4) The professional contracting (subcontracting) contract for the construction of the Project.


Project contractor (general construction contractor or professional project contractor (subcontractor)): labor subcontractor: in accordance with the Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Construction Law of the People’s Republic of China and other relevant laws and administrative regulations, follow the principle of equality, voluntariness On the principle of fairness, honesty and credibility, in view of the fact that (hereinafter referred to as “the Employer”) and the Project Contractor have signed a general construction contract or a professional contracting (subcontracting) contract (hereinafter referred to as “the general (subcontracting) contract”), both parties have reached an agreement on labor subcontracting matters through consultation and signed this Contract.

Obligations of the project contractor 10.1.





Qualification of labor subcontractor Qualification certificate No.: Issuing authority: Qualification specialty and grade: Review time and validity period: 2.

When required by the labor subcontractor, the project contractor shall provide the labor subcontractor with a copy or photocopy of the general contract or professional subcontract (except for the price details of the contracted project).


Project Manager 9.1 The project manager appointed by the project contractor to perform the contract on the construction site is, with the post of, and the title of.