Villagers repeatedly obstructed power construction and were detained

What was the reason for the villagers’ obstruction? The reason for the obstruction is a bit sad…

With the improvement of people’s living standards, the demand for electricity is also increasing.

It is illegal to obstruct, provoke and cause trouble without reason! On June 28, under the organization of the village committee, the construction was started again, and Liu Moumin repeatedly obstructed the construction and demanded economic compensation.

But instead of listening, Liu Moumin was more excited.

However, Liu Moumin did not listen to the dissuasion and the construction personnel had to withdraw temporarily.

Lifting Anchor

The reason for obstructing power construction for many times is inexplicable…

So in June this year, Zhou Yan Village, Dengzhuang Town, Taocheng District, H City, H Province, applied to Dengzhuang Power Supply Station for a new 200kVA transformer to better meet the electricity demand of the production and life of the whole village.

Relevant laws and regulations clearly stipulate! Article 70 of the Electric Power Law of the People’s Republic of China stipulates that if the electric power construction or emergency repair of electric power facilities cannot be carried out normally due to the obstruction of the electric power construction or emergency repair of electric power facilities, the public security organ shall impose a penalty according to the relevant provisions of the Law on Administrative Penalties for Public Security; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

In order to prevent the situation from expanding due to the intensification of the scene, the police summoned Liu Moumin orally and took him away from the scene.

After being categorically rejected by the village committee, Liu Moumin sat on the cable and claimed that construction could not be carried out without explanation.

The police of Dengzhuang Police Station rushed to the scene of the accident and persuaded Liu Moumin that it was illegal for Liu Moumin to obstruct the construction of the power project without reason.

But I didn’t expect that the project was blocked one after another during the construction process…

Finally, the Public Security Bureau imposed an administrative detention of seven days on Liu Moumin for obstructing the power construction and causing trouble.

What projects are the villagers blocking? It is an electric power project benefiting the people.

I would like to remind you that obstructing power construction is an illegal act, and no unit or individual can block legal construction for personal gain and trample on the dignity of the law! Thank you | Zhang Kaizhuang, Yan Xueshi, editor and executive review | Lu Min is said to be watched by many people: (Please click the figure below).

On June 27, the Dengzhuang Power Supply Station arranged personnel to go to the site for construction, but was blocked by Liu Moumin, a villager, who said that the location of the transformer would affect the parking of his son’s car, so he could not start construction.

Article 23 of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security stipulates that anyone who disturbs the order of organs, organizations, enterprises and institutions, and causes work, production, business, medical treatment, teaching and scientific research to be unable to proceed normally, but has not caused serious losses, shall be given a warning or fined not more than 200 yuan; If the circumstances are relatively serious, he shall be detained for not less than five days but not more than ten days and may also be fined not more than 500 yuan.

At the same time, the village committee also said that the location of the tower and transformer installation should be coordinated by the village committee.

detained! This is a case that just happened in H City, H Province.

However, the village committee chose to report to the local police station.

The secretary of the village branch went to coordinate and told Liu Moumin that the tower and transformer were set up on the collective land of the village, and she had no right to interfere, and introduced in detail the importance of power equipment upgrading and the convenience for everyone’s production and life.