Construction Technology | Another Group Company Established by the Central Construction Enterprise!

It is understood that by implementing the restructuring of the group’s new energy business, PowerChina has implemented the new development concept, seized the historic opportunities of new energy, adjusted the business structure, and realized the significant strategic deployment of the group company’s transformation from construction oriented to “investment construction operation” integration.

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Source: Superstructure.

The leaders of China Power Construction Corporation emphasize that the company should take the official establishment of the Power Construction New Energy Group as an opportunity to further unify their ideas, improve their positions, work together, and strive hard to promote the power construction new energy industry to embark on a new journey, achieve new achievements, and reach a new level.

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The second is to achieve accurate positioning.

To establish a new system and present a new atmosphere; “We need to wear new shoes, take new paths, turn our heads and bodies together, achieve” integration, reconstruction, integration, and improvement “as soon as possible, transform ourselves, and start anew.”.

was held in Beijing.

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The third is to innovate the system and mechanism.

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To “run to the beginning” with a struggle posture of starting and sprinting, leaders and managers at all levels must quickly enter the working state, safety production and business development must quickly enter the right track, and the contribution and supporting role to the reform and development of China Electric Power Construction must quickly manifest.

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We should integrate resources, optimize allocation, and bring into play the restructuring effect; Reengineering management processes, innovating institutional mechanisms, and achieving intensive management; Integrate conceptual culture, establish common values, and gather magnificent forces; Improve the level of efficiency creation, strengthen risk management and control, and achieve high-quality development.

One is to achieve “three rapids”.

On the morning of December 26, the founding meeting and unveiling ceremony of Powerchina New Energy Group Co., Ltd.

After the establishment of Power Construction New Energy Group, the installed capacity of new energy has exceeded 7 million megawatts, marking that China Power Construction New Energy Business has entered a new stage and reached a new height.

It undertakes the glorious mission and major responsibility of assisting China Power Construction in strategic transformation and high-quality development.

It is necessary to earnestly implement the mission and responsibility entrusted to POWERCHINA New Energy Group by the Group, accelerate the construction of a domestic first-class new energy investment and operation platform with unique market development capabilities, good operational management level, and high quality and benefit contributions, effectively exert the advantages of investment, construction, and operation integration possessed by POWERCHINA in the new energy field, and integrate the advantages of the industrial chain and standardized digital construction management mode Combine intelligent operation modes to create a leading enterprise and leading enterprise in the new energy development and construction industry, and establish the brand of “China Power Construction New Energy”.