Construction technology directory of central enterprises and its administrative level division, China Railway, China railway construction, China Communications Construction, China Construction

The central enterprise refers to the state-owned sole proprietorship or state-owned holding enterprise that the Central People’s Government (the State Council) or the state-owned assets supervision and administration institution is entrusted to perform the function of investor, and the leading group is directly managed by the central government or entrusted to the Central Organization Department, SASAC and other central ministries and commissions


On June 5, 2020, SASAC announced the latest list of central enterprises


There are 97 central enterprises


Compared with the list of 97 enterprises published in March 2020, the change is: China Inspection and certification (Group) Co., Ltd


is newly added


With the approval of the State Council, Shanghai Nokia bell Co., Ltd


is no longer listed in the list of enterprises that perform the duties of investors by the state owned assets supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, and is managed by relevant central enterprises according to the equity relationship


Among them, the central construction enterprises are: China Railway, China railway construction, China Communications Construction, China Construction, China energy construction, China power construction, China energy construction and China chemical


Details are as follows: there are two types of state-owned enterprises: central enterprises and local state-owned enterprises


The full name of central enterprises is “central management enterprises”


The simplest way to judge the corresponding administrative level of a unit is to look at the power of appointment of the head of the unit


The top leaders appointed by the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, the state owned assets supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council or other ministries and commissions are the central enterprises, while those appointed by the local Party committees and the state owned assets supervision and Administration Commission are the local state-owned enterprises


Civil servants, teachers and state-owned enterprises are the iron rice bowls in the eyes of ordinary people


The jobs in the system are stable and decent, so a large number of graduates are attracted to these fields every year


The civil service examination is becoming more and more popular year by year, and the recruitment of state-owned enterprises is also facing fierce competition


In fact, employees of state-owned enterprises are half civil servants, and relevant leaders also have corresponding administrative levels


There are also some leaders of state-owned enterprises who have transferred to the civil service to serve as vice governors or mayors


Generally speaking, there are three main characteristics of central enterprises: after years of continuous restructuring and integration, there are 129 central enterprises (as of April 6, 2020)


According to the property rights and control subjects, central enterprises can be roughly divided into three categories: industrial central enterprises; financial central enterprises; central enterprises managed by other departments


01 the industrial central enterprises are mainly 97 enterprises that the state owned assets supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council performs the responsibilities of investors on behalf of the state owned assets supervision and Administration Commission, that is, the central enterprises in the general sense


Top 49 households: China Nuclear Industry Group Co., Ltd., China Aerospace Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd., China Aerospace Science and Industry Group Co., Ltd., China Aviation Industry Group Co., Ltd., China Shipbuilding Group Co., Ltd., China Ordnance Industry Group Co., Ltd., China Ordnance Equipment Group Co., Ltd., China Electronic Technology Group Co., Ltd., China Aero Engine Group Co., Ltd., China financing assets Management Group Co., Ltd


PetroChina Group Co., Ltd


Sinopec Group Co., Ltd


CNOOC Group Co., Ltd


state oil and gas pipeline network Group Co., Ltd


State Grid Co., Ltd


China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd


China Huaneng Group Co., Ltd


China Datang Group Co., Ltd


China Huadian Group Co., Ltd


State Power Investment Co., Ltd China Three Gorges Group Co., Ltd., China National Energy Investment Group Co., Ltd., China Telecom Group Co., Ltd., China United Network Communication Group Co., Ltd., China Mobile Communication Group Co., Ltd., China Electronic Information Industry Group Co., Ltd., China First Automobile Group Co., Ltd., Dongfeng Motor Group Co., Ltd., China First Heavy Industry Group Co., Ltd., China Machinery Industry Group Co., Ltd


Harbin Electric Group Co., Ltd


China Eastern Electric Group Co., Ltd


Anshan Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd


China Baowu iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd


China Aluminum Group Co., Ltd


China Ocean Shipping Group Co., Ltd


China Aviation Group Co., Ltd


China Eastern Airlines Group Co., Ltd


China Southern Airlines Group Co., Ltd


Sinochem Group Co., Ltd Ltd


COFCO Group Co., Ltd


China Minmetals Group Co., Ltd


China General Technology (Group) Holding Co., Ltd


China Construction Group Co., Ltd


China reserve grain management group Co., Ltd


China Development Investment Group Co., Ltd


China Merchants Group Co., Ltd


China Resources (Group) Co., Ltd


China Tourism Group Co., Ltd


[Hong Kong China Travel (Group) Co., Ltd.] The last 48 households: 50


China commercial aircraft Co., Ltd




China energy conservation and Environmental Protection Group Co., Ltd




China International Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd




China Chengtong Holding Group Co., Ltd




China Coal Energy Group Co., Ltd




China Coal Science and Industry Group Co., Ltd




General Research Institute of Mechanical Science Group Co., Ltd




China Steel Group Co., Ltd




China Steel Research & Technology Group Co., Ltd China Chemical Engineering Group Co., Ltd




China Salt Industry Group Co., Ltd




China Building Materials Group Co., Ltd




China Nonferrous Metals Mining Group Co., Ltd




Youyan Technology Group Co., Ltd




Beijing mining and Metallurgy Technology Group Co., Ltd




China International Technology Intelligence Cooperation Co., Ltd




China Academy of Building Sciences Co., Ltd China Railway Engineering Group Co., Ltd




China Railway Construction Group Co., Ltd




China Communications Construction Group Co., Ltd




China Putian Information Industry Group Co., Ltd




China Information Communication Technology Group Co., Ltd




China Agricultural Development Group Co., Ltd




China Forestry Group Co., Ltd Ltd




China Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd




China Poly Group Co., Ltd




China Construction Technology Co., Ltd




China General Administration of Metallurgical Geology 81


China General Administration of coal geology 82


Xinxing Jihua Group Co., Ltd




China Civil Aviation Information Group Co., Ltd




China aviation fuel Group Co., Ltd




China Aviation Equipment Group Co., Ltd




China Electric Power Construction Group Co., Ltd China Energy Construction Group Co., Ltd Ltd




China Guoxin Holding Co., Ltd




China testing and certification (Group) Co., Ltd


among them, the selection of the chairman of the board, Secretary of the Party committee (leading group) and general manager of the former 49 central enterprises is decided by the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, which has the same authority as the appointment and removal of general vice ministerial level cadres, so it is considered to be equivalent to vice ministerial level cadres


Therefore, the top 49 enterprises are called “central management enterprises” in media reports, but they are generally called “some important state-owned backbone enterprises” in the documents issued by the central government


However, due to the fact that his working age can reach 63 years old, he is slightly different from other cadres at the Deputy ministerial level, which is only two years younger than the 65 year old working age at the ministerial level


The deputy leaders of 49 households, as well as the principal and deputy leaders of non 49 households, are decided by the SASAC Party committee


The former is under the jurisdiction of the first Bureau of enterprise management of SASAC, while the latter is under the jurisdiction of the Second Bureau of enterprise management of SASAC


The legal representatives (mostly the chairman) of the non 49 central enterprises must report to the Party group of the State Council for approval before taking office


It is generally believed that the deputy of 49 households can be regarded as promotion


For example, Wang An, deputy general manager of Shenhua, was appointed general manager of non China coal, Xu Kaicheng, deputy general manager of Sinopec, was appointed chairman of Nanguang group, and Zhou Mingchun, chief accountant of China shipbuilding industry, was appointed chairman of AVIC


Between the two types of deputy, the 49 deputy is generally higher than the non 49 deputy.
