▶ Zitong: all water diversion projects in Wuhan are under construction!

In order to ensure sufficient irrigation of farmland, Zitong County of Mianyang City seized the opportunity to organize human and material resources to speed up the repair of the county’s water damaged canal system and channel dredging, and comprehensively launched the battle of unblocking the spring irrigation canal system


Affected by the “8.11” continuous heavy rainfall in 2020, Sichuan Province launched the first-class flood control emergency response for the first time


All levels of canal systems in the first stage irrigation area of Zitong Wuyin were seriously damaged


Many slope cracks inside and outside the canal, damage and collapse of side wall and floor occurred


At the same time, a large number of silt was buried in the sediment channel and water conveyance function was lost due to the flood


“As soon as the flood season passed, we immediately organized the personnel of each station to check the dangerous situation one by one, and counted the damage


After investigation, there were more than 160 damaged channels, with a length of about 5236 meters


It is estimated that more than 8 million yuan of maintenance funds will be needed for the flood damage.” Ye Jianhua, director of the management unit of the county Military Administration Bureau, introduced to reporters


“In order to guarantee the irrigation demand of agricultural production this spring, our bureau, on the one hand, actively reported to the relevant departments at higher levels and raised funds from all sides


At the same time, we immediately started to do a good job in the construction plan of water damage restoration, formulated the design scheme, determined the construction unit, and carried out the water damage restoration and desilting and obstacle removal of the canal system at the same time, so as to ensure the comprehensive restoration of the affected canal system before planting seedlings in the bubble field.” Cui Hong, director of the county Military Administration Bureau, said


Spring ploughing is just around the corner, and the task of restoration is urgent, heavy and demanding


Through “time reversal, task reversal and responsibility reversal”, the county Military Management Bureau organized technical backbones to be stationed at the construction site to supervise and guide the whole process of project progress, quality and safety


At the same time, the Bureau cooperated with the villages and towns in the irrigation area to organize the personnel to work in time to clear the silt and remove the obstacles of the channel, so as to ensure the smooth restoration of the channel system and promote the work efficiently


At present, all the water damaged projects in Zitong have resumed work and production, and we can see the scene of stepping up construction everywhere


Up to now, Zitong Wuguan Bureau has raised a total of 7.7 million yuan for maintenance, seizing the current favorable opportunity of sunny and rainy weather and temperature rise to speed up emergency repair of dangerous sections


90% of the water damage projects have been completed for each branch canal, tuiya section of Hongyan sub trunk canal, Baique reservoir section and Hongyan sub trunk canal in Wuyin phase I irrigation district


Efforts should be made to fully complete the flood damage repair and channel desilting of all levels of canal system in Wuyin phase I Irrigation District by mid March 2021, so as to ensure the water supply for spring irrigation


Source: right in front of the city, click below“
