The settlement skills commonly used by the construction party make the completion settlement easier

Professional bidding document making, engineering budget, engineering cost 16 years old brand, for your bidding escort, winning the bid is to give you the best service! Source: the copyright of the Internet copyright belongs to the original author


At present, most of the construction companies win the bid after the lowest profit, which causes the construction companies to try their best to ask for more in the settlement


As the budget staff of the construction party, through more than three years of practice, several common settlement skills of the construction party are summarized for your reference


① Falsely report the workload


It can be avoided to check the workload carefully




Repeat the quantity and negotiation


There are often more than two negotiation changes in the same change content; ③


Misinterpret the contract terms; ④


Vague negotiation parts; ⑤


Alter the negotiation content; ⑥


Change the quota number; ⑦


For the project with labor cost, change the quota labor cost content to increase the project cost; Ⅷ


Change the workload automatically calculated by the budget software, such as the super high cost of high-rise buildings; ⑨ False increase of work items; 10


Dim means


To make the project budget itself is to pay attention to the following: 1


Speculation; that is, to seize the place ignored by the other party to strive to increase the cost; 2


Striving; that is, not to let go of any small project that can create profits for our own side, or even from one word to many solutions, such as being a lawyer; 3


To grasp the shortcomings of the other party’s budget staff; 4


To leave a good impression on the other party at the beginning, to consult him more




We need to increase revenue and reduce expenditure


How to open source? Engineering contract is a contract with fixed total price


At the beginning of bidding, the strategy of low price bidding was adopted


There is a popular saying in the industry that “winning the bid at low price will occupy the market, and engineering claims will win profits”


It can be seen that how to create profit points in the process of project is the key to whether the project is profitable or not, which requires the cooperation of various departments and the establishment of the awareness of all staff management




After the completion of the project, it is necessary to carry out the completion settlement, which need not be mentioned in the contract


The total contract price is as much as it should be




As we all know, as a kind of civil contract, both parties are equal




In practice, for various reasons, the two sides who are equal in law will form the distinction between weak and strong


In China, as far as the current situation is concerned, Party A is in a strong position and Party B is in a weak position


Therefore, for Party B, all terms involving interests must be clear


For example, if the main construction materials are involved, the name, specification, material quality, quantity and quality standard of the materials must be specified, as well as whether the materials are supplied by Party B or Party A, and the cost bearing party




The strength of Party A is also reflected in another aspect


It is said that the settlement method should be mutually agreed by both parties


However, it is often the case that Party A issues the settlement method to the contractor in the form of superior documents, stipulating the settlement basis and charging method


This is nothing


What’s more, Party A will change its settlement method many times, so that the settlement personnel of the contractor are tired of revising the settlement statement




One more thing


We all construct according to the drawings


If the materials are supplied by Party A, we will take materials from Party A according to the drawings


In the actual construction, the actual material demand is often greater than the drawing design quantity


At this time, for the general contract, because of the general contract, the contract price will not be adjusted within a certain range of increment


Therefore, we often neglect to ask Party A for a visa in time


Generally, in order to limit the waste of materials by the construction unit, the contract stipulates that there is a limited material requisition clause, and if the quota is exceeded, the project payment of the construction unit will be deducted


When settling accounts after autumn, it will often become a muddle headed account


Therefore, in the process of construction, once there is a material requisition exceeding the drawing quantity, we must ask Party A and the design unit for a written approval certificate




What is the audit faced by the construction unit? Project cost audit is mainly in accordance with the relevant national laws and policies, according to the national construction administrative department issued by the engineering quota material consumption standards, charging standards and labor, materials, machinery shift price parameters, design drawings and physical quantities of the project, project cost confirmation and control for effective supervision and inspection


In the project implementation stage, based on the contract, after the completion acceptance, combined with the construction changes and project visa, the completion cost review results in line with the actual construction are made, which is the basis for the settlement of both parties, and also the basic data and basis for the final accounts of the project




Another kind of audit is the audit of final accounts of completed projects: the audit of final accounts of completed projects is conducted in accordance with the audit law and the requirements for audit of final accounts of completed capital construction issued by the audit office


The audit contents of capital construction include: (1) basis for compilation of final accounts of completed projects; (2) implementation of project construction and budget (budget); (3) construction cost; (4) assets delivered for use; (5) completion projects; and; (6) Balance of funds; (7) capital construction income; (8) investment contract balance; (9) investment benefit evaluation


According to the National Audit Law and relevant regulations, audit the final accounts of construction project completion, mainly examine whether the budget (budget) is overspent in the implementation, the reasons for overspending, whether there are hidden funds; conceal or intercept infrastructure income and investment balance, and divide infrastructure investment in the name of investment balance, etc




The audit results of the project invested by the construction unit have no binding force on the cost settlement of the construction unit


The project settlement audit in the project cost is based on the construction contract


Based on the physical transaction between the contractor and the employer, it is calculated according to the national or local construction labor, material and machine consumption standards, which is binding on both parties


The project settlement audit results can be used as the legal basis for the settlement of both parties




The project settlement audit in the project cost is based on the construction contract


Based on the physical transaction between the contractor and the employer, it is calculated according to the national or local construction labor, material and machine consumption standards, which is binding on both parties


The project settlement audit results can be used as the legal basis for the settlement of both parties


Make project budget on behalf of others


Settle project budget, settlement, quota, quantity and price, tender preparation (Engineering, procurement and service), construction organization design, completion data preparation, drawing design, house decoration budget and project cost consultation


Professional direction: Civil Engineering, installation, municipal, garden, hardcover, steel structure, water conservancy, highway, bridge, electric power, oil


Budget of agent project List quota, drawing quantity group price.
