Highway construction, workers dug up 3000 corpses, experts tell a tragic history

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Introduction: during the construction of Hubei expressway, 3000 corpses were dug up by workers after heavy rain


Experts tell a tragic history


Introduction in the long history, soldiers have played an indispensable role in any country, they calm down the war, protect the country, save the people from fire and water


But for them, winning a war doesn’t bring them much in return


What can make them stick to all the time is their belief when they are wearing armour and their sincere feelings for the country


Xu Xilin describes this spirit in his going out of the fortress: “if you only want to die for the country in the battlefield, you don’t have to go to the battlefield.” In fact, if we talk about these distant histories, people may not have such deep feelings


When it comes to the war of resistance against Japan before the founding of new China, many people will feel the same as I do


It is the selfless dedication of those soldiers that enables the Chinese people to win this hard war


Just as Cao Song said in the book of the age of one’s own death, “if you are a marquis, you will be successful.” Every touching story tells us that without them, we would not be what we are today


Piles of bones 02 in 2010, a section of highway in Yiling District of Yichang, Hubei Province was under repair and construction


However, an appalling thing happened in the ordinary construction work


After the heavy rain, workers dug up 3000 corpses


After the experts’ investigation, they told a tragic history


What’s the matter? It turned out that a large number of human bones were excavated in the construction section


The leader of the construction department contacted the local cultural relics department urgently


After investigation and research, the truth gradually came to the surface


This is actually the burial place for the remains of Anti Japanese soldiers


According to the local cultural and historical records, they belong to the 75th army of the national army, and there are 3000 remains of these soldiers It shows us the tragic history


In 1940, the third year of the Anti Japanese War, the Chinese side began to use the advantage of Jiangnan terrain to block the Japanese attack


However, due to the national conditions, there is a big gap between China and Japan in terms of military equipment, especially in terms of navy


China can not resist the attack of Japanese joint warships, and most of the ports in the East have been occupied, which also blocks the international military supplies to China


After blocking the sea transportation, the Japanese army aimed at the land again


The Japanese army bombed the Yunnan Burma railway in China on the ground that the Yunnan Burma railway was overloaded after the Guangxi Vietnam Railway was abandoned


At the same time, it put pressure on the British government to block the Yunnan Burma highway


For a time, a large number of military reserves could not be transported to the front line of the war


At that time, the national government faced another big problem: Yichang was captured by the Japanese army


Yichang is located in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River


It is the hub of the Three Gorges waterway


It is located in the middle of Wuhan and Chongqing


The capture of Yichang means that it is very easy for the Japanese army to launch an attack on the two places, whether from water or land


It can be said that Yichang has a very important strategic position


In order to block the Japanese attack, the national army deployed a large number of forces near Yichang, including the fourth division of the 75th army mentioned above


The predecessor of the 75th army was actually the second division of the Zhejiang army, which was one of the five provincial allied forces


In 1926, the Northern Expedition army reorganized this army and named it the 26th army of the national army


In 1928, it was renamed the Sixth Division


After the outbreak of the Anti Japanese war in 1937, this army increased its personnel to form the 75th army, and successively participated in the battle of Lu Hu and the battle of Tai’erzhuang Because of the Taierzhuang campaign, you were divided into the 75th army of the 4th division


In 1939, this army was reorganized again


Since then, its military strength has been constantly highlighted


You can see him in many famous campaigns


In 1940, the Japanese army captured Yichang, and they also suffered more than half of the losses in this battle


Therefore, they did not rush to attack the west, but chose to reorganize in place


However, the fourth division stationed at the frontier did not dare to neglect it


According to the records in the literature and history materials of Yichang County, after the Japanese army captured Yichang, they launched attacks in the surrounding villages and towns


Although the fourth division was stationed here, it did not neglect Unable to stop the Japanese attack, he retreated to Xiaofeng Township and interacted with the Japanese army according to the local geographical position which was easy to defend and difficult to attack


However, it failed in the end, and the fourth division had to withdraw to QILIXIA


In the winter of 1941, against the background of the failure of the second battle in Changsha, the fourth division received orders from its superior to launch a counter offensive against the Japanese army


This one also brought many casualties to the army


After the two sides ran out of ammunition, they even started a hand-to-hand fight


There were more than 1000 soldiers in the ten regiments of the fourth division


In the end, there were 13 soldiers left, eight of them wounded


QILIXIA, the corpse in the “mass grave”, has the advantage of being easy to defend and difficult to attack, but it has also become his fatal disadvantage


The Japanese army blocked the main road, and the rear assistance was difficult to reach the soldiers, and there was a great lack of medicine


In order to settle the dead soldiers, division commander Fu Zhengmo bought 30 mu of land near the village and built a field hospital


At the same time, he had to settle these remains


With the increasing number of casualties, sometimes only dozens of people could be buried together


According to the memories of the surviving soldiers, at that time, the remains above the platoon leader were all equipped with equipment A small carved stone tablet, and the names of ordinary soldiers are written on the big stone tablet


It was not until the end of the Anti Japanese war in 1945 that the fourth division was evacuated


At that time, there were more than 3000 names on the stone tablet


Conclusion if not for this high-speed construction, this period of history may never be known by people


In fact, there are many deeds like this


It’s hard for us to imagine how these soldiers paid their blood and tears for the whole Chinese nation


But we can feel their selfless dedication from their deeds


Although there is no place to search for their names, this painful history will be remembered by all of us forever


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