These are the times when accidents are most likely to happen! Pay attention to the construction!



When the time is tight and the task is heavy, during this period, the workers often fight continuously and get tired, which makes them prone to habitual violations


Some workers sometimes think that doing according to the requirements of safety regulations will delay the time and affect the progress


Therefore, they try to change or simplify the normal operation procedures


It is because of these habitual violations that accidents occur


Preventive measures: in the arrangement of work tasks, we must consider both needs and possibilities, and can not arbitrarily add tasks or shorten the construction period


If workers are found to have the phenomenon of “ignoring safety in order to seize the task”, they should be ordered to stop work immediately




After one day’s hard work, the staff are consumed with great physical strength and energy


It is human nature to expect to get off work early and have a rest


At this time, there are often thoughts slip, work energy is not concentrated, and then habitual violations


As the work is coming to an end, it is safe all the time, and people’s vigilance to accidents will inevitably be relaxed


Leaders at all levels, especially team leaders and safety officers, should “frequently remind and supervise” at this time, so that the majority of construction personnel can maintain sufficient vigilance




When working at night and carrying out work tasks alone, workers are paralyzed and slack in mind due to slack management, forming a blind area, which is a period of frequent occurrence of safety production


When working alone, workers are prone to habitual violation of rules and regulations


This is because they leave the collective, relax their own requirements, and have ideological paralysis without supervision


Preventive measures: we should conscientiously implement the system of leading cadres on duty and on-site shift, strengthen the inspection at night, highlight the key parts, key links and key posts, and ensure the timely detection and handling of problems


It is necessary to strengthen safety education for employees, overcome the paralysis of night shift time, relax their thinking, consciously abide by safety rules and regulations, and operate according to regulations


When sending workers to carry out the operation task alone, we must do a good job in the safety technical disclosure and risk point analysis while explaining the task, and appoint a person with strong sense of responsibility as the guardian




Before and after the holidays and some special periods, as the holidays are approaching, some workers working in other places are eager to complete their tasks and go home to reunite with their relatives


Even workers with their families will be distracted by the festivities


After the holidays, some workers are still immersed in the happy atmosphere of the festival, the mind does not really return to work, it is easy to have habitual violations


Because of some difficulties and pressures faced by workers in work and life, they are prone to be in bad mood, which will lead to distraction in working hours, illegal operation and accidents


Leaders at all levels of the enterprise should timely grasp the psychological activities of the construction personnel in this period, do a good job in safety ideological education, play a good “preventive needle” in advance, so that the workers always tighten the string of “safety”, and the safety management personnel should often go deep into the production site to remind and supervise




When the working environment is hard, if you work in a bad environment, if you encounter the weather of wind, snow, rain and fog, the difficulty of work will increase


Even in indoor work, if the temperature, lighting and other conditions are poor, people’s adaptability and endurance will be weakened, which is easy to lead to accidents


Enterprises should actively create a good working environment for construction workers to ensure that workers keep a good mood at work


In case of severe weather, the operation shall be suspended in strict accordance with the requirements of safety regulations


Safety diagram for prevention and control of construction accidents China Construction Industry Press price: 58 yuan discount price: 52 yuan this book focuses on the latest industry standard “safety standard for prevention and control of construction accidents” JGJ / t429-2018, “several regulations on prevention of falling accidents in Construction Engineering” and “several regulations on prevention of collapse accidents in Construction Engineering” and other relevant regulations, with on-site construction pictures and This paper interprets the provisions in the safety standard for prevention and control of construction accidents in the form of cartoon, and tries to interpret the control points of 15 types of frequent accidents in the most simple and understandable way


This book mainly solves the following five types of problems: 1


Introduction of difficult points and neglected key contents in safety standard for prevention and control of accidents in construction JGJ / t429-2018; 2


Explanation of special construction scheme preparation, review, demonstration of technical points and safety technical disclosure, responsibility division and construction safety in construction work at height, lifting machinery, high formwork and scaffold engineering combined with cases Key points of inspection and control management of all major hazard installations; 3


Analysis of key technologies for control of various hazard installations in construction, key technologies for safety management of divisional and subdivisional works with greater risk, and countermeasures, measures and management methods for controlling, reducing and eliminating major casualty accidents; and focus on: ① safety points for installation and disassembly of lifting machinery; ② safety points for use of lifting machinery (3) safety points of foundation pit engineering construction; (4) safety points of scaffold construction; (5) safety points of formwork support construction; (4) safety standards and control measures for prevention and control of falling accidents in construction (scaffold engineering and Formwork Engineering) and construction safety supervision points; (5) conclusion According to the typical collapse accident warning, explain the safety standards and control measures and construction safety supervision points of building construction (foundation pit engineering, slope engineering, digging pile engineering, scaffold engineering, formwork engineering, operation platform, temporary building, steel cofferdam engineering, prefabricated construction engineering, demolition Engineering) collapse accident prevention and control


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