There are 895 items in the list of national construction general contracting (Comprehensive Grade A) enterprises in 2021!

As one of the “top identities” of the construction industry, the top-level qualification of the national construction general contracting (Comprehensive Grade A) enterprises is the leader of the industry and the Pearl of the crown! It is not only the representative of the hard power of construction enterprises, but also plays the role of industry vane in a sense


In particular, on December 2, 2020, the Ministry of housing and urban rural development officially issued the “reform plan for qualification management system of construction engineering enterprises”, which greatly reduced the categories and grades of enterprise qualification


The reform involves: adjusting 10 types of construction general contracting special qualification to construction comprehensive qualification, and the comprehensive qualification is not graded


The enterprises with comprehensive qualification can undertake the general contracting business of various industries and levels


Obviously, as long as you have comprehensive construction qualification, you will have more opportunities in future bidding! According to the statistics of “construction industry information platform”, as of December 31, 2020, the list of the tenth batch of construction engineering enterprises with special grade qualifications (6 newly added) of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development in 2020 has 895 national special grade qualifications, belonging to 704 enterprises respectively


China Railway 18th Bureau Group Co., Ltd


has become the only “five special” enterprise, with five special qualifications of construction engineering, highway engineering, railway engineering, water conservancy and Hydropower Engineering and municipal public engineering


The number of “four special”, “three special”, “double special” and “first special” enterprises also continued to increase, reaching 22, 25, 71 and 585 respectively


Let’s take an inventory of the list of enterprises with special grade qualification for general contracting: 1


The list of “five special” enterprises; 2


The list of “four special” enterprises; 3


The list of “three special” enterprises; 4


The list of “double special” enterprises


The number of former special grade qualification is more or less, which can reflect the strength and weakness of a region’s construction industry from the side, In recent years, many regions have spared no effort to reward the successful and registered enterprises of shengte


However, after the qualification reform, the construction general contracting super qualification will be adjusted to the construction comprehensive qualification, and the comprehensive qualification is not divided into specialties, which also means that 704 enterprises will return to the “same starting line”


At the same time, after the reform, although the enterprise “lost” the special grade, but the performance did not “lose”


In the bidding, the enterprise can still get the recognition of the owners by virtue of the previous performance, and the social evaluation of the enterprise tends to the comprehensive strength of the enterprise rather than just look at the number of qualifications, which is also the original intention of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development to dilute the qualifications


After years of development, the number of super qualified enterprises in many regions has made considerable growth, and there are many changes in the growth in recent years, which will be analyzed and discussed for you


1、 According to the statistics of the registered places of the enterprises with special qualification, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Beijing, Shandong, Henan and Hubei ranked the top five in terms of 81, 80, 71, 45 and 33 (Henan and Hubei side by side)


Tibet became the only province without special qualification in China, and Ningxia, Qinghai and Hainan had one special qualification


2、 The distribution of special grade qualifications in different regions: Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Province and Beijing City, which are strong construction provinces, have 83, 83 and 100 special grade qualifications respectively, with a total of 266, accounting for 30% of the total number of special grade qualifications in China, forming the first echelon


The distribution of super qualification in the whole country is shown in the figure below


It is not difficult to find from the above figure that the number of super qualified enterprises in China is very uneven, and the strength is very clear, which can be roughly divided into five echelons


The first echelon: Beijing, Jiangsu and Zhejiang; The second echelon: Shandong Province, Henan Province, Hubei Province, Shaanxi Province, Anhui Province, Guangdong Province, Sichuan Province; The third echelon: Shanghai, Jiangxi, Fujian, Shanxi, Hunan and Hebei; The fourth echelon: Tianjin, Guangxi, Guizhou, Liaoning, Yunnan, Chongqing and Xinjiang; The fifth echelon: Gansu Province, Jilin Province, Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang Province, Qinghai Province, Hainan Province, Ningxia


3、 Distribution of provincial Super enterprises note: the list of each province is repeated with the above multi special enterprises, ranking in any order


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