Gansu: closed construction, please detour!

Source: Wuwei public security traffic police micro release, huazangsi highway traffic police copyright belongs to the original author, if any infringement, please contact us G30 Lianhuo Expressway anmen Gulang section uplink (Lanzhou to Wuwei direction) fully closed construction 1, closed time: May 6, 2021 0:00 to May 30, 2021 24:00 2, detour route: 1, From Shuping hub and maocixian hub, drive away from G30 Lianhuo expressway, bypass G6 Beijing Tibet Expressway to Qingshuihe hub, drive into g2012 Dingwu expressway, operate double hubs and enter G30 Lianhuo expressway




Vehicles with more than three axles (including three axles) going to Wuwei and Xinjiang and dangerous chemicals transport vehicles drive out through anmen toll station, and then bypass along G312 line to Gulang and Shuangta toll stations to enter G30 Lianhuo expressway




Vehicles under the three axes heading for Wuwei and Xinjiang drive out through huazangsi and anmen toll stations, then go along G312 to Gulang and Shuangta toll stations, and enter G30 Lianhuo expressway




Traffic control at the entrance of anmen toll station, driving from the adjacent toll station to the expressway


  Tips for detour 1


During the tunnel closure construction, drivers of passing vehicles are requested to choose the travel route in advance, follow the detour tips and obey the command of the on-site staff; 2


During the tunnel closure construction, the vehicle drivers from other places across the province need to make a detour


They are not familiar with the road conditions, and need to know the weather conditions and travel routes in advance, so as to arrange the journey reasonably; 3


During the construction period of tunnel closure, if the vehicles in front of the tunnel are waiting in line or driving slowly, do not occupy the emergency lane or the opposite lane, and insert them at will


The efficiency of passing in order is high, and the traffic jam is even more serious




During the construction period of tunnel closure, when driving in mountainous areas, sharp turns and steep slopes, please keep a safe distance and do not exceed the speed limit! It’s easy to be sleepy when driving in summer


Please keep your energy and concentration, and pay attention to the ventilation inside the car


Thank you for your understanding, support and cooperation! Emergency call: 0935-3126911, high speed rescue call: 12328, 12122, medical rescue call: 120 points of “watching” ↓ forward! Let more people see! Contribution, business cooperation phone   0931-8569678。
