Chewing: a scaffolding for rapid development of Java project

Front end thymeleaf: template engine


Foreword nothing to do, the whole java project rapid development scaffolding


MySQL: relational database


3、 Core technology 1


Bootstrap: UI framework


4、 Environment deployment 1


2、 Source code address:


Interface request: Post and JSON parameters


config/ Configuration file: system related custom configuration


Initialization example: [{“initkey”: “site”_ config_ 20210110″,”sqls”:[“INSERTINTOt_ site_ config(id,code,name,content,description,public_ flag,gmt_ create)VALUES(NULL,’site_ record_ No ‘,’ < ahref=\“ \"class=\"ml-2\"target=\"_ Blank \ "> record number < / a > ‘,’website record number’, true, now ());”]}] (4) file upload


/Console / XXX: administrator login is required, except for some interfaces such as login and logout


Redis: cache database


Chewing is a simple rapid development scaffold for Java project


Configure initialization ID and SQL statement


(3) Database initialization configuration file: config/ dbinit.json


Back end springboot: Web application framework


Preparation jdk1.8mysql5.7maven3.xredisrabbitmq2


Mybatis: persistence layer framework


(2) Interface specification page request: get, URL parameters


5、 File structure Src / main / Java | com.jingqueyimu |- annotation / / annotation | – aspect / / aspect | – config / / configuration | – constant / / constant | – context / / context | – controller / / control layer | – exception / / exception | – Factory / / factory | – filter / / filter | – handler / / processor | – init / / initialization | – interceptor / / interceptor | – mapper / / persistence layer | – model //Data model | – MQ / / message queue | – schedule / / scheduling | – service / / service layer | – util / / tool Application startup class Src / main / resources | – config / / configuration file | – mapper / / mapping file | – Static / / static file | – templates / / page file Application profile Dispatch configuration file 2, code description (1) way By / API / XXX: user login is required


It is not only suitable for small partners who need to develop small projects, but also suitable for novices to learn some common technologies


Necessary configuration Configuration files: database, redis, rabbitmq, mailbox, etc




Rabbitmq: Message Queuing Middleware
