Project audit pays attention to the six means for the construction unit to raise the project cost

Due to the supervision unit’s lax control, some changed unit prices are not set in strict accordance with the above principles, increasing the project cost






When signing the contract for some projects, according to the characteristics of the project itself, the general terms in the model contract were modified through the provisions of the special terms of the contract, but the settlement of the project was not based on the provisions of the special terms and the general terms


However, the Contractor’s bid price did not consider the concrete cooling cost, but required to change and increase the water cooling facilities and costs, which unreasonably increased the project cost


  one   In order to win the bid, the contractor often makes various commitments in the bidding documents for all links of construction management, construction risks and delivered construction products


After the project is completed, the quantities of sub items in the list are summarized and counted, and the contract settlement is carried out after being reviewed by certain procedures


In order to win the bid, the contractor often makes high-standard commitments to various contracting obligations such as construction period and quality, and generally adopts the strategy of low price bidding in bidding quotation


Make full use of various means to improve the efficiency of cost audit


Audit the quantities by various auxiliary means, calculate the bill quantities according to the on-site visa acceptance data, construction and as built drawings, and according to the quantity calculation rules formulated by different industries and countries




The Contractor’s bid price shall fully consider the risk of over excavation


It is generally agreed that when there are sub items in the bill of quantities applicable to the change, the unit price of the sub item shall be adopted; If there are no sub items applicable to change in the bill of quantities, the unit price or total price of similar sub items shall be referred to as the basis of change evaluation within a reasonable range, and the unit price or total price after change shall be determined by the supervision unit and the Contractor through negotiation; If there is no similar sub item in the bill of quantities for reference, the supervision unit, the owner and the Contractor shall negotiate to determine the new unit price or total price


However, in the process of implementation, the contractor puts forward various changes and claims for various reasons to avoid its contractual obligations and increase the project cost


The project cost is increased due to the inadequate performance of duties by the owner and the supervision unit and the lack of cost management experience




If cracks appear in the main works due to inadequate construction technology and management during the construction of a project, the owner ignores the contract agreement that the contract price includes the costs of completion, detection, maintenance and defect repair of all projects, compensates the contractor for the cost of crack repair, and unreasonably increases the project cost




If a project contract clearly stipulates that the earth and rock works are required to be constructed in strict accordance with the design drawings, and the quantities of excavation and filling beyond the design excavation line will not be measured


The special terms of the contract are not strictly performed, the settlement is made according to the general terms, and the project cost is increased


Through engineering changes and claims, the risks borne by the contractor will be transferred to the owner


For example, a project contractor has made detailed commitments on the specific completion time, quality requirements, excellent rate and safe and civilized management on the construction site in the tender document, and during construction, the owner has signed various forms of supplementary agreements on objective, quality, safe and civilized management for the contractual obligations to be performed by the above contractor, and agreed to pay various forms of bonuses, Violate the substantive terms of the original contract and increase the project cost


Construction and installation project cost audit is also an important means to reduce project cost, save construction cost, improve economic benefits and prevent corruption


The above measurement work is usually reported by the construction unit and reviewed by the supervision unit according to the site supervision acceptance and site visa data


Some owners simplify management, do not make counterclaims against the contractor, and even compensate relevant expenses


You must read the drawings carefully and carefully, so as to know every piece of information like the back of your hand


However, during the implementation of some projects, in order to facilitate their management, the owner ignored the above commitments and signed supplementary agreements on various objectives and quality management without improving the standards, so as to increase the project cost in the form of bonus


If the Contractor fails to fully perform its contractual obligations, the project losses shall be borne by the owner


After you read the drawings and find out, you can make a complete set of project budget ~ the reason for increasing the project cost


The measurement principle of quantities violates the contract and increases the project cost


Understanding the construction drawings is the premise of making a good budget

. Magnet Recess Former

According to the practical experience of project cost audit in recent years, the problem of illegally increasing the project cost without strictly performing the contract is the most common in the current project settlement, and has the greatest impact on the project cost




The quantities are usually measured monthly or quarterly


There are clear provisions on the change of unit price in the bill of quantities in the contract for increasing the project cost


When the project is actually measured, the supervisor shall make statistics according to the actual excavation quantity, The overbreak and the resulting filling volume and transportation cost are measured, resulting in an increase in the project cost


For example, various cooling measures that must be taken for mass concrete are clearly specified in a certain engineering technical clause, and the commercial clause also clearly stipulates that all expenses caused by these Measures shall be included in the tender offer


The state has issued the model contract and formulated the general terms of the contract for engineering projects in different industries


It is highly professional, faces complex situations, requires a lot of audit data, has great problems and disputes, and the task is extremely arduous, It is very difficult to conduct a comprehensive cost audit on the authenticity and legitimacy of the cost of construction and installation projects in a limited audit time


The change unit price is not determined according to the principles agreed in the contract terms


If a stainless steel ladder is added in an engineering design change, the change unit price is not determined with reference to similar items in the bill of quantities, but is re determined according to the quota to increase the project cost


It is the basic skill of auditors engaged in cost audit


Generally, the technical and commercial terms of the contract have clear provisions on the construction process, measures, process standards and relevant construction specification basis of each project list sub item, and clearly agree that the relevant expenses shall be included in the tender offer


When performing the contract, he tries every means to supplement the compensation agreement, project change By means of claim, transfer the risk to the owner as much as possible and strive for more interests


Therefore, the key to the success or failure of project cost audit is to highlight the key points and appropriate methods


However, the cost audit of construction and installation project is quite different from the general financial revenue and expenditure audit, involving all links of project site management such as project survey and design, bidding, contract, quality and progress control, measurement and payment


For national key construction projects, the measurement principle of each bill of quantities is generally clearly stipulated in the technical and commercial terms of the project contract




For example, the general terms of an industry stipulates that the price difference of main materials of the project shall be settled according to the price index published by the state and the weight of different divisional and subdivisional works according to the index method, and the special terms of the project have modified the above provisions and agreed that the prices of other materials shall not be adjusted except for the materials subject to policy price adjustment, The risk of material price rise is considered by the contractor in the bidding quotation, but the price difference of all main materials is adjusted during the settlement of the project, which increases the project cost in violation of the contract


However, due to the failure of some supervisors to perform their duties carefully, the measurement principles of some quantities are not strictly implemented


Generally, according to the contract, the Contractor shall deliver compliant and excellent construction products


However, during the construction process, due to inadequate construction management, some divisional works have quality problems, and the cost of subsequent treatment of these quality problems is often large
