Epidemic prevention and control, Bijie’s voice in four places ◆ closed construction in three sections ◆ no return to school in three cases. Bijie good morning

During the day of the 12th, there were cloudy showers or thunderstorms on cloudy days


North Korea accused the South Korea US joint military exercise of aggravating regional tensions and said that North Korea would make a clear response to South Korea’s hostile acts


The activity time is from August 14 to August 20, 2021


Recently, the Discipline Inspection Commission of Yangjiawan Town, qixingguan district has taken a number of measures to effectively curb the “entrance banquet” and “Teacher Appreciation Banquet”


On August 11, the reporter learned that three sections of Bijie urban area will be closed, from Tongxin Road to Biyang Avenue intersection in qixingguan district


Near the Tanabata Festival, Bijie zhijindong, jiudongtian, Huadu Li and other preferential activities have been launched one after another


Guizhou Province announced the list of designated hospitals for COVID-19 vaccination contraindication


1 tunnel down (to the urban area), Closing time: 22:00 on August 13 to 7:00 on August 16 (closed for 24 hours)

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The reporter learned from the Yanqing competition area of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games on the 11th that with the A1 and A2 Cableways of the national alpine skiing center obtaining the passenger cableway safety inspection qualification mark issued by the national passenger aerial cableway safety supervision and inspection center, the Cableways of the venue are fully connected and have operation conditions


On August 9, Nayong County Health Bureau organized 6 vaccination teams to carry out vaccination work in remote villages of Yangchang town and serve the people on site


Tourists can not only enjoy various discounts, but also receive small gifts


The first batch of vaccines supplied by China through the “new crown vaccine implementation plan” arrived in Bangladesh and Pakistan on the evening of the 10th and the early morning of the 11th local time


Thank you for your attention    See you tomorrow


According to KCNA, despite the strong opposition of North Korea, South Korea and the United States started a four-day “crisis management staff training” on the 10th and will hold a “joint command post exercise” from the 16th to the 26th


Read and recommend 684700 people to start vaccination ◆ Bijie local initiative: public officials do not participate in this matter Bijie good morning Bijie daily central editorial office editor: Hu Xiue   Drawn / edited by: Zhang Yuanyuan broadcast by: Yang Tingting    Editor: Tan Hu   Producer: Meng Xingrong.


The National Health Commission announced on the 11th that more than 1.8 billion doses of new crown vaccine were vaccinated in China


Sports overview the all China Women’s Federation recently issued a commendation decision, awarding the title of national 38 red flag bearer of 26 female athletes such as Yang Qian and the national 38 red flag collective of Chinese women’s table tennis team


Since April this year, the State Administration of market supervision has investigated and dealt with 545 cases of false and illegal advertising in education and training, with a penalty of 9.23 million yuan


Among them, 16 hospitals in Bijie are designated hospitals for evaluation


The closing time: from 00:00 on August 12 to 24:00 on September 30, Wenbo 1st Lane connects Tongxin Road to Tongxin Road, Biyang Avenue Road and S20 Biwei high-speed Caodi No


The Cuban Foreign Minister praised China for its contribution to the fight against COVID-19 and opposed politicizing and stigmatization of COVID-19’s tracing problem


In recent years, Baili Rhododendron management zone has firmly established the concept of “green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains”, focused on “forest protection, afforestation, forest use and living forest”, established a new forest resources management mechanism of “responsibility in the District, operation in the township and management in the village”, promoted “forest governance” with “forest leader system” and made the word “forest” alive“ During the 13th Five Year Plan period, 77500 mu of farmland was returned to forest and 41300 mu of characteristic fruit forest was developed in the area, which played a “strong voice” of green development with a touch of new green and green mountains


In August 11th, novel coronavirus pneumonia prevention and control work in Qixing Guan area was issued by the Seven Star Guan District, and the current epidemic prevention and control work was arranged


Up to now, it has timely stopped 6 “entrance banquet”


At the same time, it will actively supervise after-school training institutions and shall not exceed the standard for advanced training


According to the data released by the people’s Bank of China, China’s RMB loans increased by 1.08 trillion yuan in July, an increase of 90.5 billion yuan over the same period last year


Recently, Guizhou Provincial Department of education has made it clear that it will no longer approve new discipline after-school training institutions for students in the stage of compulsory education


The Municipal Meteorological Bureau issued the risk disaster forecast: from 20:00 on August 11 to 20:00 on August 12: the meteorological risk of geological disasters in the north is high, and there are certain meteorological risks of geological disasters in other areas


Recently, the Ministry of education has made arrangements for the recent epidemic prevention and control of the education system and the opening of school in autumn, in which three rigid standards are put forward for the scientific planning of students returning to school in the autumn semester: those whose school epidemic prevention and control conditions fail to meet the local epidemic prevention and control requirements cannot return to school; If the prevention and control measures of the school are not implemented in place, they cannot return to school; If the effective emergency plan and drill are not implemented in place, they cannot return to school


In order to do a good job in the evaluation of COVID-19 vaccination contraindication in Guizhou Province, provide health consultation for the masses, facilitate people to correctly identify contraindications and allow appropriate people to be vaccinated


The existing discipline training institutions will be uniformly registered as non-profit institutions


Please pay attention to prevention


From the night of the 12th to the day of the 13th, there were cloudy showers or thunderstorms on cloudy days, local rainstorms in southern areas and heavy rainstorms in some towns


Good morning, Bijie


So far, qixingguan District, Qianxi City, Zhijin County and Weining Autonomous County of our city have made specific arrangements for the current epidemic prevention and control respectively, requiring the full implementation of various measures such as “external prevention input and internal prevention rebound”, prohibiting indiscriminate catering and other measures, resolutely blocking the epidemic input, ensuring people’s life safety and health, and consolidating the hard won achievements in epidemic prevention and control
