Square dance disturbing residents and night construction noise… The law will strengthen the control of noise pollution |

The draft stipulates the amount and scope of fines, which also provides a more basis for law enforcement


For illegal acts of industrial noise and construction noise at construction sites, the draft also stipulates penalties such as daily penalties


Wang Canfa said that noise pollution has a lot to do with planning


At the same time, all localities should encourage solving problems in a variety of ways


All localities can establish rules according to local conditions, strengthen management by setting up automatic noise monitoring and display facilities, and intervene in dissuasion and mediation in time to solve problems


For example, some places use square dance headphones, so that dancers can hear them without affecting others


If the planning is reasonable, a lot of noise can be avoided


The draft puts forward clear management departments and punishment measures for such noise pollution


Ma Jun, director of Beijing Public Environment Research Center, introduced that at present, more than half of the noise reports are aimed at the noise of social life, among which the problem of noise disturbing residents in public places such as square dance is more prominent


Sui Fusheng said that bringing the prevention and control of urban rail transit noise pollution into the legal level will promote all localities to give more consideration to noise pollution prevention and control in the construction of subway and high-speed railway, restrict it from the source, better apply the technical achievements of vibration and noise reduction, and improve the problem of disturbing residents


In addition to fines, those who cause serious consequences for noise emission and are ordered to correct and refuse to implement, the draft stipulates that the competent department of ecological environment or other departments responsible for the supervision and administration of noise pollution prevention and control may seal up and seize the places, facilities, equipment, tools and articles that emit noise


In recent years, the disturbing problem of square dance in some places has attracted social attention


Therefore, in urban construction planning, we should have a certain predictability to minimize the problem of noise disturbing residents


Wang Canfa said that for complaints about night construction, sometimes enterprises are fined, which is difficult to stop night construction, resulting in great opinions of surrounding residents


The law increases the prevention and control of urban rail transit noise, which is a response to the concerns of the masses


How to take subsequent measures will be very difficult to prevent and control noise pollution


Attention should be paid to and corresponding prevention and control measures should be taken


Noise reduction planning first and source prevention and control is one of the most effective methods for noise pollution prevention and control

. Loop Box

The draft stipulates that if the construction unit or construction unit commits one of the following acts, the comprehensive law enforcement department designated by the local people’s government at or above the county level where the project is located shall order it to make corrections and impose a fine of not less than 10000 yuan but not more than 100000 yuan: it discharges construction noise in excess of the specified noise emission standards; Failing to provide evidence, carrying out construction operations that produce noise in the area where noise sensitive buildings are concentrated at night


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For example, the noise near the nature reserve may disturb wild animals, and some noise may affect the production and reproduction of livestock and poultry


The draft proposes that the acoustic environmental quality standards and noise emission standards should be evaluated regularly, and the standards should be revised in due time according to the evaluation results


A chapter is specially added to the draft to pay attention to noise pollution prevention standards and planning


Many people have encountered the problem of night construction disturbing residents at nearby construction sites, and repeated complaints have no effect


The draft proposes that those who organize or carry out entertainment, fitness and other activities in public places such as streets, squares and parks should abide by the regulations of public place managers on activity areas and time periods, take effective measures to control noise and avoid disturbing the surrounding living environment; Those who use audio equipment shall not interfere with the surrounding living environment and produce excessive volume, and shall abide by the relevant provisions of the local public security organ


On the 17th, the 30th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People’s Congress deliberated on the proposal to amend the law on the prevention and control of environmental noise pollution, which responded to some noise pollution problems of public concern, such as night construction on construction sites, square dancing disturbing residents, urban rail transit noise, etc


For example, in some local planning, roads pass through residential areas or near residential areas


Wang Canfa, a professor at China University of political science and law, said that increasing the punishment will urge units that emit noise to pay more attention to the impact of noise on the surrounding environment


Sui Fusheng, a researcher at the Institute of acoustics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, introduced that in recent years, some urban rail transit noise disturbing residents has become more prominent, and there are more complaints from residents


For those who violate the provisions of the law and do not listen to the dissuasion and mediation of relevant units, the draft also proposes that the comprehensive law enforcement department or law enforcement agency designated by the local people’s Government shall give a warning and order them to make corrections; Those who refuse to make corrections shall be fined not less than 200 yuan but not more than 500 yuan


For example, in the definition of transportation noise, urban rail transit transportation noise is specially added


In addition, some experts suggested that the impact on the ecological environment and residents’ property should be taken into account when formulating relevant plans for noise pollution prevention and control


The draft proposed stricter penalties, which could be improved


The noise of urban rail transit transportation has been included in the supervision


Strengthen the punishment for noise pollution


The revised draft adds objects for the prevention and control of noise pollution


The draft also proposes that the people’s governments of cities divided into districts and county levels that fail to meet the national acoustic environment quality standards shall timely prepare plans and implementation plans for the improvement of acoustic environment quality, and take measures to gradually improve the acoustic environment quality or reduce and eliminate the impact of noise in stages


The current law on the prevention and control of environmental noise pollution has been implemented since March 1, 1997


The draft stipulates mandatory measures for seizure, enriches the means of punishment, and the prevention and control of noise pollution can achieve immediate results
