Function and construction of prime coat, tack coat and seal coat of asphalt concrete pavement!

Based on this situation, we have processed and manufactured kerosene diluted asphalt mixing tank.

The liquid produced after the emulsion and asphalt were ground by the colloid mill were SBR modified emulsified asphalt.

After repeated trial mixing and combined with the distribution effect, the mix proportion is determined as: asphalt: Kerosene = 58:42 (weight ratio)( 2) For the production of kerosene diluted asphalt, because kerosene is very easy to dissolve asphalt, the previous experience is to add asphalt into kerosene according to the mix proportion for manual mixing, but kerosene and asphalt can not be fully integrated and easy to separate.

before the distribution operation, the value is input into the computer, and the computer can automatically control the distribution operation.

one   Prime coat 1.1   Function of prime coat the prime coat is an organic binder permeable layer applicable to the surface of inorganic binder base course, which is used for layer treatment between the lower layer and base course of general road sections.

1.2   Construction process requirements for prime coat (1) canghuang expressway is selected as the mix proportion, and kerosene diluted 9O asphalt is selected as the prime coat material, and the relevant technical indexes meet the requirements of Al (m) – 2 standard for road liquid petroleum asphalt.

In case of strong wind, rainfall and wet road surface, it shall not be sprinkled.

Therefore, qualified products must meet the requirements of penetration and viscosity at the same time.

Otherwise, only a layer of oil film will be formed on the surface of the base course.

2.2   Construction process requirements for tack coat (1) material performance the material used for tack coat is SBR modified emulsified asphalt, which belongs to spraying cationic medium (fast) cracking emulsified asphalt.

According to the surface roughness of Cement Macadam Base, the spraying amount is generally controlled at 0.6 ~ 0.8kg/m( 4) attention should be paid to the amount of emulsifier and styrene butadiene latex (cationic) that need to be added according to the test results of the qualified products and the volume of the emulsion tank.

When producing kerosene diluted asphalt, the viscosity shall not be less than the minimum value required by the specification.

In order to seek higher quality standards, many optimizations and improvements have been made in subgrade, pavement and its structural composition.

Generally, the fast crack modified emulsified asphalt is more suitable.

Emulsified asphalt shall not be stored for more than 5D according to the test results( 2) Distribution of tack coat oil the distribution of tack coat oil emphasizes “thin” and “all over”.

After passing the test, the modified emulsified asphalt shall be pumped into the finished product tank before loading.

Before the distribution of SBR modified emulsified asphalt, the lower bearing layer shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove the sundries and floating dust on it.

During the asphalt operation, it shall be operated according to the weather conditions.

In order to prevent the separation of kerosene and asphalt, the finished liquid asphalt produced on the same day should be used up on the same day( 3) Before the distribution of kerosene diluted asphalt, the base course shall be thoroughly cleaned manually to remove the sundries and floating dust on the surface of the base course.

When the temperature of the water in the emulsion tank reaches N6oC, the emulsifier is added first, then the emulsifier is fully dissolved through the agitator and then added into styrene butadiene latex.

However, if the asphalt content is low, it can not meet the requirements of the prime coat for base consolidation, stability, connection and waterproof.

The distribution of kerosene diluted asphalt adopts an intelligent asphalt distributor, and the microcomputer in the vehicle can accurately control the distribution amount of kerosene diluted asphalt.

There shall be no flower leakage or strip.

After adding asphalt and kerosene according to the mix proportion, mix in the mixing tank for 30min, and then drive the finished product into the asphalt distributor truck.

After the prime coat construction is completed and the traffic is closed for 24h, the pavement of the lower layer of asphalt concrete can be carried out.

Cover the guardrail and other parts with linoleum in front of the distribution bridge to prevent pollution.

If the surface of Cement Macadam Base is rough and the broom is not cleaned thoroughly, it shall be blown away with a wind extinguisher.

The asphalt distributor runs at a constant speed of 8km / h.

The slow crack emulsified asphalt flows seriously after distribution.

The adhesive layer mainly plays the role of cementation, and the requirements for materials are mainly in terms of bond strength and shear strength.

Before distribution, it is necessary to carefully observe the surface of the base course to determine the distribution amount, so as to prevent excessive distribution from flowing or insufficient distribution from whitening, and try not to spray again.

The distribution amount of kerosene diluted asphalt should be controlled so that the penetration effect can be achieved and the oil film can not be formed on the surface.

In order to improve the bearing capacity, durability and water damage resistance of pavement, more and more attention is paid to the treatment of each layer of asphalt concrete pavement, and the functions of prime coat, tack coat and seal coat are becoming more and more important.

If there is soil, it shall be washed by water truck.

Once the vehicle is driven or rubbed, it will be easily adhered, rolled or worn off by the wheel, which will not play the role of consolidation, connection, sealing and waterproof, It will also lead to the displacement and falling off of the upper asphalt concrete layer.

The sprayed tack coat oil must be in a uniform fog and evenly distributed into a thin layer within the full width of the road.

The modified emulsified asphalt produced should be used up on the same day.

The relevant technical indexes meet the technical requirements of PC-3 emulsified asphalt for road.

The laitance and mortar on the bridge, culvert and channel surfaces shall be brushed with steel wire, and the floating dust shall be blown out of the bridge deck with a high-power blower.

Rebar Chair

In order to prevent kerosene from extreme volatilization caused by too high asphalt temperature, the asphalt temperature is heated to 120c, and the amount of asphalt and kerosene is controlled by flowmeter.

If there is soil, it shall be washed by water truck.

After the emulsified asphalt is produced, the laboratory shall test the asphalt content.

The amount of bitumen and emulsion was controlled by the metering device of the emulsifying equipment.

If the construction cannot be carried out in time, special personnel shall be assigned to watch the construction section, and eye-catching signs shall be set to prohibit the passage of non construction vehicles to avoid pollution.

The 7O used to reheat the asphalt should not be too high.

If the emulsified asphalt after mixing is uniform, it can continue to be used, otherwise it is not allowed to be used.

The following describes the function of each treatment layer, material requirements and construction points in combination with the actual situation of canghuang expressway.

According to common sense, the greater the amount of kerosene, the better the penetration effect.

Emulsified asphalt or modified emulsified asphalt is usually used as the tack coat material.

The main functions are as follows: (1) penetrate the L gap on the surface of the base course to enhance the bonding between the base course and the surface course( 2) Help to combine the fine aggregate in the aggregate on the surface of the base course( 3) After completing the pavement of the base course, timely spraying prime coat oil can also reduce the maintenance cost of the base course and improve the maintenance quality( 4) The open pores on the surface of the base course formed by permeable oil are filled to obtain a waterproof layer at the penetration depth( 5) When the paving of surface course is delayed for some reason, the prime coat can provide temporary protective measures for the base course to prevent the damage of rainfall and temporary driving.

When the emulsified asphalt not used up due to special circumstances is stored in the storage tank, it shall be continuously diluted with kerosene.

Prime coat, tack coat and seal coat have their own functions and cannot be confused.

At present, asphalt concrete pavement is widely used in road construction.

After the base course is cleaned and accepted, sprinkle an appropriate amount of water to the base course with a sprinkler to wet it, so that the kerosene diluted asphalt can better penetrate into the base course.

The intelligent distributor truck is adopted for the distribution operation, and the microcomputer in the truck can accurately control the distribution amount of modified emulsified asphalt.

The strength of modified emulsified asphalt is greatly improved compared with emulsified asphalt.

For parts inconvenient for mechanical construction such as widened pavement and bridge head, spray with the manual spraying gun equipped with the vehicle.

According to the pollution degree of the pavement, the spraying amount shall be controlled at 0.3 ~ o.4kg/m, the Distributor shall drive at a constant speed of 8 ~ 10km / h, and manual spraying shall be adopted where the asphalt distributor cannot spray.

If the spraying is insufficient, it shall be sprayed again, and if the spraying is excessive, it shall be scraped off..

After the normal heating temperature reached 130C, it could be produced.

According to the specification requirements, the prime coat oil needs to penetrate into the base course within 5 ~ 10mm, and the adhesive layer or seal layer can be made on it only after full penetration and consolidation.

2021 municipal road and Bridge actual combat reference Baidu online disk member 2   Tack coat 2.1   The function of adhesive layer is to bond the layers and the surface layer to the structure as a whole.