How to avoid obvious connection in the construction of exterior wall real stone paint!

To solve the problem of color difference of real stone paint, we should start with the causes of color difference: first, the use of poor quality tools in real stone paint coating is easy to cause color difference.

Solution: use high-quality coating tools to avoid uneven painting and different thickness.

Solution: the same building shall be provided with enough products at one time as far as possible; If it needs to be supplied in batches at different times, negotiate with the manufacturer to prepare colored sand raw materials to reduce the color difference in raw materials.

Repair color difference: after the construction of one wall, try to leave several barrels of products of the same batch so as to repair the defective wall in the final stage of the project and avoid the color difference caused by the final repair..

The overall wall surface shall be from top to bottom and completed at one go to avoid new and old colors caused by intermittent construction.

Ringlock Standard Parts


Solution 1.

Poor coating tools will cause uneven brushing and different thickness, and finally produce color difference.

Reason 3 of course, the same batch of stone paint painted on the wall will also have the problem of color difference due to the lack of uniform mixing, inconsistent dilution and different construction methods.

It is recommended that the same batch of materials be constructed on the same wall with the same batch of people.

Affected by the objective factors of natural raw materials, it is easy to have slight color difference between different batches in the production process of real stone paint.

After construction, it will visually aggravate the color difference on the wall surface.

For different types of products, the exclusive construction tools of the product shall be strictly followed, and there shall be no common and unified construction tools for different products.

Plane effect and matte effect will produce sensory differences.

After the construction of some real stone paint projects, there will be an embarrassing situation that one wall has two faces.

   Reason 2: natural colored sand is generally used for real stone paint.

The coating color is not uniform, deep and light.

Pay attention to the color differences of some colors in backlight and positive light, direct sunlight and refraction.