Safety technical standard for attached lifting scaffold in Hunan Province

Structure; 7


Editor in chief of this regulation: Changsha construction engineering quality and safety supervision station Hunan Construction Engineering Quality and Safety Association general rules 2 terms and symbols 2.1 technical terms 2 / 2.2 No


The compilation of this book is mainly based on the compilation outline of training materials for special construction workers, and refers to the engineering quality and Safety Manual (Trial) issued by the Ministry of housing and urban rural development


Installation, lifting, use and removal; 8


If there is any infringement, please inform us to delete it


If you have any comments and suggestions during the implementation of this regulation, please send them to Hunan Construction Engineering Quality and Safety Association (address: 302, building 4, hexinjiayuan, 268 Gaosheng Road, Yuhua District, Changsha City, Hunan Province, postcode: 410114)


In addition, the textbook has a test question bank for operation Through self-evaluation, the staff constantly improve the level of theoretical knowledge


General provisions; 4


The main contents of this regulation are: 1


Safety management


According to the requirements of Hunan Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development, the procedure preparation group has compiled this procedure after extensive investigation and study, conscientiously summing up practical experience, referring to relevant national standards and foreign advanced standards, and on the basis of extensive consultation


The main contents of this book include the overview, basic structure, construction technology, maintenance and safety prevention, common faults and on-site installation of the attached lifting scaffold


General; 2


If you need more knowledge about tunnel, road and bridge, please pay attention to WeChat official account of “safety in construction of track Luqiao”.


Keep in mind: leave your billing information and e-mail when ordering, and the publishing society will send the e-invoice to your e-mail [submission and business negotiation] wechat: wumin196821 Tel: 13666263987 statement: This article is from Hunan Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development, only for peer learning reference, without any commercial behavior, and the copyright belongs to the original author


Performance of components and fittings; 5


This regulation is managed by Hunan Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development and interpreted by Changsha construction project quality and safety supervision station


It plays a specific guiding role in strengthening the safety production awareness of the scaffolders of the attached lifting scaffold, enhancing the safety production responsibility, and improving the safety technology level of the construction site


3 general provisions 4 component performance 5 load and design calculation 5.1 load classification / 5.2 load value / 5.3 load combination / 5.4 basic provisions for design calculation / 5.5 design calculation content 6 Conclusion Structure 6.1 frame composition / 6.2 frame structure / 6.3 attached supporting structure / 6.4 lifting mechanism / 6.5 anti overturning device / 6.6 protective facilities / 6.7 strengthening of special parts 7 installation, lifting, use and removal 7.1 installation / 7.2 lifting / 7.3 use / 7.4 removal 8 safety management 8.1 basic requirements / 8.2 inspection and acceptance / 8.3 maintenance Appendix A acceptance of accessories and equipment of attached lifting scaffold structure Table Appendix B self inspection form of attached lifting scaffold after assembly Appendix C joint acceptance form of attached lifting scaffold after assembly before use Appendix D inspection and acceptance form of attached lifting scaffold before lifting (lowering) operation Appendix E inspection and acceptance form of attached lifting scaffold after lifting and lowering operation 9 explanation of terms in this procedure 10 explanation of quoted standard list clauses heavy launch may 2020 New edition of China Construction Industry Press price: 63 yuan discount price: 60 yuan publication date: May 2020 this book is applicable to the safety technology assessment and training of construction scaffolders (attached lifting scaffold)


Terms and symbols; 3


Load and design calculation; 6


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