Focus! The common construction flow charts of 19 kinds of subgrade are all alive!

If mechanical backfilling is used, the chest of culvert abutment and around the inspection well shall be compacted with small compaction machinery before large-area backfilling can be carried out with machinery.

The overlap between rows shall be 40-50cm, and the front and rear adjacent sections shall overlap by 1.0-1.5m.

(3) The side ditch shall be repaired by hanging lines.

The types of subgrade and engineering types are complex and changeable, and the construction methods of subgrade are also various.

Temporary drainage holes shall be added at the lower part of the concave vertical curve.

(2) Foundation pit excavation and foundation bearing capacity detection, such as slab culvert.

For the construction materials of embankment below normal water level, slag, block stone, gravel and other materials with good water stability should be selected, and the particle size should not be greater than 30cm.

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(2) The filling of culvert gap shall be symmetrically and evenly backfilled and compacted in layers on both sides.

(4) The traveling speed of the road roller for Subgrade Compaction shall be within 4km / h.

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In case of lack of soil on the slope, steps must be excavated, filled and compacted in layers.

the straight-line section shall be first on both sides and then in the middle, and the small radius curve section shall be carried out longitudinally from the inside to the outside; For transverse joints, the vibratory roller shall be overlapped by 0.4 ~ 0.5m, and the three wheel roller shall be overlapped by 1 / 2 of the wheel width.

Different subgrade types generally correspond to different construction methods, and different methods have different construction processes.

When erecting the arch ring, corresponding pre camber must be reserved, and the support must have sufficient strength and stiffness.

(5) 20 * 20cm temporary drainage holes shall be set every 20m in the cutting side ditch and embankment arch slope protection.

the part close to the shoulder) shall be first followed by the middle.

Pay attention to flood control during construction, and the flood control project should be completed before the flood period; When crossing steep gullies with unfavorable geology, it is also necessary to find out whether there is the impact of debris flow, and take drainage and interception measures accordingly.

If two sections are filled at the same time, they shall be overlapped and connected in layers, and the overlapping length shall not be less than 2m.

(2) Pay attention to avoid damage to culverts or other structures during washing and rolling.

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Construction flow chart of box culvert channel and culvert construction flow chart of embankment renovation construction process: (1) surveying and setting out, sprinkling lime to mark the over filling width on both sides of the outlet embankment, and the elevation of the longitudinal and transverse slope surface of the embankment top surface is controlled by the brick embedding method.

(4) The finished subgrade surface layer is within 150mm thick.

Let’s learn about the construction process of filling subgrade construction flow chart: (1) before each layer of subgrade filler is laid, the bottom surface of the next layer must be checked with lime and hung with lines to control the thickness of construction layer.

(5) The arch frame can be removed only when the mortar strength of the arch ring reaches 70% of the design strength, and the filling on the arch can be carried out only after the mortar strength reaches the design strength.

(4) The subgrade along the river in mountainous area shall be reinforced and protected according to the scouring of water flow.

(3) When manually paving and filling stones, large stones shall be paved and filled first, with the large face down and the small face up, leveled and placed stably, then leveled with small stones, filled with stone chips, and finally compacted.

(4) Before the gap filling on both sides of the culvert is completed, the filling construction above the culvert top elevation shall not be carried out.

Individual unevenness shall be leveled with fine stones and stone chips.

Construction process of stone filled subgrade construction flow chart: (1) when filling the stone filled embankment layer by layer, the stone transportation route shall be arranged, under the command of a specially assigned person, layered horizontally, from low to high, from both sides to the center, and leveled with a high-power bulldozer.

(4) During the compaction of rock fill embankment, both sides (i.e.

Corn Magnetic Box

(2) When the stone grading is poor, the material diameter is large, the filling layer is thick and the gap between stones is large, stone slag, stone chips and medium coarse sand can be swept into the gap on the surface of each layer, and then the sand can be washed into the lower part under pressure for several times to fill the gap.

The front and rear adjacent sections shall be overlapped longitudinally by 1.0 ~ 1.5m, so as to compact all points of the subgrade and avoid uneven settlement of the soil foundation.

(2) The over filled width on both sides of the filled embankment shall be cut off.

(3) The protection and reinforcement construction shall be carried out in strict accordance with the design drawings and documents and according to the nature and degree of the destructive effect of water flow on the subgrade.

Construction flow chart of filling and excavation junction construction flow chart of backfilling at structures construction process: (1) before backfilling of structures, the loose paving thickness mark line of each layer shall be drawn with paint on the back of the abutment, and backfilling and compaction shall be carried out in layers.

Generally, plant protection, stone masonry protection, concrete slab protection, gabion, riprap, retaining wall and other measures can be adopted, or two or more measures can be adopted comprehensively.

(2) If the filling is divided into several operation sections, and the junction of the two sections is not filled at the same time, the first filling section shall be stepped in layers of 1:1.

Construction flow chart of slab culvert construction flow chart of arch culvert construction process: (1) masonry works of arch culvert must be constructed in accordance with relevant specifications of masonry works.

The compaction route for wheel roller shall be longitudinally parallel to each other and rolled repeatedly.

After the backfilling, the top shall be closed in time.

(3) The arch ring support must be determined by design checking calculation.

(3) During the filling process, the immersion damage of water stop shall be prevented.

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When the actual situation of the construction site is inconsistent with the design protection form, the design representative of the supervision engineer shall be requested to change the design.

The construction of the upper end wall of the arch at the inlet and outlet shall not be carried out until the strength of the arch ring closing mortar reaches more than 30% of the design strength.

Earthwork subgrade, stone subgrade, subgrade paving, subgrade excavation, subgrade backfilling…

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(7) After the subgrade is trimmed, the waste soil materials within the spoil subgrade shall be removed.

Construction process flow chart of impact roller: (1) the maximum instantaneous impact power of impact roller shall not be less than 25KJ, the wheel weight shall be 16t, the power shall not be less than 400 HP, and the walking speed shall not be less than 12km.

(2) The inverted siphon must be subject to irrigation test before filling and covering, and can be filled only after meeting the requirements.

(6) Before pavement construction, check whether temporary drainage and permanent drainage facilities are set and effective.

(2) For the parts affected by the fluctuation of water level, materials with good water stability should also be selected, such as naturally graded gravel, pebble, coarse (medium) sand, hard stone pieces and gravels that are not suitable for weathering, etc.

A comprehensive and detailed mechanical operation diagram shall be provided at the centralized earthwork construction site.

(6) When the arch frame is not removed and the mortar strength of the arch ring reaches 70% of the design strength, the arch crown filling can be carried out.

The bottom of the drainage holes shall be 10cm lower than the roadbed elevation.

Construction flow chart of soil cutting excavation construction flow chart of soft soil foundation construction flow chart of subgrade construction in river, pond, Lake (reservoir) and sea areas construction process: (1) filling and borrow: centralized borrow area should be set.

(4) When the arch ring is built or poured with concrete, it shall be carried out symmetrically from both sides to the middle at the same time to prevent the instability of the arch frame.

However, the frame can be removed only after the arch ring mortar reaches the design strength.

(3) During mechanical operation, the mechanical operation route shall be reasonably specified according to the site terrain, subgrade cross-section shape and earthwork allocation drawing.

In case of any defect of the side ditch, it shall not be patched with soil at will.

Loose or semi buried stones with size greater than 100mm shall be removed from the subgrade surface layer, filled and compacted as required.

Construction flow chart of planting turf protection construction flow chart of spraying grass seed protection construction flow chart of mortar rubble (block) stone or concrete precast block protection construction flow chart of side ditch construction flow chart of general road section construction flow chart of blind ditch and seepage ditch construction flow chart of circular pipe culvert construction flow chart of inverted siphon construction process: (1) the construction technology and process of inverted siphon are basically the same as that of circular pipe culvert, However, the focus is on the joint treatment between pipe joints.