“Not only be able to work, but also be able to speak” | Li Zuyuan Q & A, construction team leader of Maoming boundary town

Click on the top ♂   Longan live broadcast   Pay attention! It’s been a week since the Second Rural Revitalization challenge arena was broadcast live on the home page of hot tourism interviews! But the enthusiasm of local cities for Rural Revitalization ❗ From ❗ No ❗ Eliminate ❗ Return ❗ ️ 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 In this challenge arena competition, Maoming continued the glory of the first session ✨ Win gratifying results again 🎉 Congratulations to jiejie town for winning the top six in the province 🎉👉 Li Zuyuan, the construction team leader of jiejie Town, looks amiable, but actually has great energy 💪 No matter in the fierce group match or in the competition between the strong and the strong, the performance is very bright! Xiao Bian, let’s present the post game experience from Secretary Li! Q1: which competition link is the most challenging? A: I think the “opening bar moment” is the most challenging.

Which construction team leader will bring an exclusive interview next time ❓ please ❤️ Wipe   💙 order ❤️ with 💙 Source to be: electric shock news editor in charge: Liang Limei    First instance: Zhang Zhongchang final instance: Qiu Xiaoling    Producer: Liu Ping..

I overcame the problem of light adaptation on the stage, and showed my style and level on the competition site of the big challenge arena.

This link not only needs to show the highlights and characteristics of the town in a limited time, but also find out the weaknesses of the other party.

Meisha Street led Meisha people to ride the east wind of reform and opening up, walk all the way from the mud of the countryside, integrate various resources, pay attention to industrial development, realize the modernization of rural development, provide Meisha experience for the Rural Revitalization of the whole province, and reflect the mission of Shenzhen’s leading demonstration in the Rural Revitalization.

Rubber Recess Former

Coming from the challenge arena is not only a clearer idea for rural work, but also a very good exercise.

In accordance with the requirements of the “five revitalization”, we promote “the same construction of towns and villages, the same governance of towns and villages, and the same beauty of towns and villages”, adhere to the guidance of Party construction, the demonstration drive, and the participation of the whole people, so as to transform the boundary from a beautiful village to a beautiful economy.

Q2: do you think the idea of Rural Revitalization is clearer? A: Yes, work ideas are clearer.

Q5: what is your biggest weakness through this challenge arena competition? What is the most difficult problem solved? A: My biggest weakness is that I don’t have much knowledge of stage performance.

Today’s Q & A is over.

Q4: what is the experience of Rural Revitalization that is most worthy of promotion and learning in the whole province in this challenge arena? A: I think the experience most worthy of promotion and learning in the whole province is as follows: first, the “five level secretaries” pay attention to rural revitalization; Second, adhere to demonstration drive; Third, adhere to “the same construction, governance and beauty of towns and villages”.

Q3: which construction team leader do you want to learn from? A: Most want to learn from the construction team leader of Shenzhen Meisha street.

In promoting rural revitalization, the Secretary of the town Party committee in the new period should not only be able to do, but also speak, but also play on the stage.

It needs a strong language organization ability, a strong on-site adaptability and a strong ability to grasp time, so it is the most challenging.

The on-site atmosphere is tense and the opening bar is full of gunpowder.

Secretary Li also told Xiaobian 👂 The challenge arena test for each construction team leader is extremely challenging and a little “cruel”.