[attention] road construction closure announcement

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In order to ensure the safety of passing vehicles and pedestrians and the smooth progress of willow pruning, it is planned to carry out semi closed construction in sections from November 22, 2021 to January 24, 2022.

Semi closed time: November 22, 2021 to January 24, 2022 III.

Announcement of road construction closure: Willow pruning is carried out in sections from the intersection of line x302 and Lanxin road to line 312 (0-7km).

during the construction period, pedestrians, vehicles and the general public are requested to arrange travel routes and pay attention to driving safety.

Lifting Eye Anchor

Please understand the inconvenience caused to you during the construction period.

Now the announcement is as follows: I Construction scope: from the intersection of line x302 and Lanxin road to line 312 (0-7km) II.

Jiayuguan forestry and grassland Bureau November 23, 2021   Click here to see your xiaohuahua statement: except for the special instructions of the original content, the text and pictures of the pushed manuscript come from the network and major mainstream media.

The copyright belongs to the original author.

      It is hereby announced.