These measures must be in place in winter for site construction!

If there are unsafe hidden dangers such as deformation and leakage, repair and reinforce them in time.

Before leaving the site after the operation, the fire user shall confirm that the fire has been extinguished and there are no hidden dangers around.


For power tools that are not used for a long time and are affected by moisture, professional electricians shall be allowed before use.

Cables with more than three broken skins shall not be put into use.

Fire protection management of the central material warehouse the person in charge of the material warehouse shall be fully responsible for the safety and fire prevention of the material warehouse.

In addition, the road is wet and slippery.


During aerial welding, inflammables and explosives are strictly prohibited to be stacked below.


It is forbidden to hang wires and hang clothes on the electricity and lines.

Wires, lamp sockets and electrical equipment The installation of spare parts must be carried out by a professional electrician.

Under the influence of severe weather such as heavy fog and snow, the driver’s line of sight is hindered when the vehicle travels, so it is prone to traffic accidents.


The electrical equipment on the construction site must be used in strict accordance with the system of “one machine, one switch, one leakage and one box”, and the electrical boxes should be locked at any time.



When using electric tools, check whether the power supply has leakage protector.

The storage and use of inflammables and explosives shall be managed by a specially assigned person, and fire prevention measures shall be taken.

It is dry in winter.

Such accidents are often caused by people’s negligence and illegal operation.


Low temperature leads to certain changes in the performance of vehicles and machinery.

Fire and electric shock accidents are caused when personnel use high-power electrical appliances for heating or use high-power electrical appliances to boil water.

In addition, people’s clothes are heavy in winter, so their movements become relatively slow and high It is easy to fall from height during operation, and traffic accidents are easy to occur due to vehicle skidding.


(2) Electric shock accident in winter construction is one of the most common accidents in construction.


Hourglass Rebar Cap

It is strictly prohibited to pull and connect lines without permission.

The storage distance between acetylene cylinders and oxygen cylinders shall not be less than 5m and shall not be placed upside down.

They shall be stored 10m away from the open fire.

The resident fire management of the project department shall strictly prevent the occurrence of electrical fire, and it is strictly prohibited to make fire in the dormitory Electric stove, fast heating and other high-power electrical appliances.

Winter is a high incidence period of mechanical injury and vehicle injury.


Strengthen the power management of construction in winter.

Obvious signs shall be set at the place where the fire-fighting equipment is stored, and all fire-fighting equipment shall not be moved at will.

If the shell and handle of the electric tools are found to be broken, the power cord is damaged, and the plug is damaged, they shall not be used.

It is forbidden to pull and connect wires without permission in the dormitory.

The hot work permit can only be used at the specified place and time.

Therefore, great attention must be paid to fire safety during winter construction.



Special personnel must be assigned to watch the fire during open fire operation.


If there are serious hidden dangers, stop production immediately and arrange solutions immediately to ensure power safety.

12V safety voltage shall be adopted in wet places.

The temperature in winter in the north is low, and the construction face and roads are easy to freeze and slip.

Before winter construction, electricians shall conduct a comprehensive inspection and maintenance of all mechanical equipment and cables on the construction site, and eliminate mechanical and electrical faults immediately.


Fire control management substation on the construction site shall prepare sufficient fire-fighting equipment on the construction site, and designate special personnel to maintain, manage, replace and keep it to ensure that the fire-fighting equipment is complete and effective.

Open fire is not allowed to keep warm in the dormitory, and smoking in bed is strictly prohibited.

Strengthen the management of power consumption on the construction site to prevent electrical fire.

Measure whether the insulation resistance meets the requirements.

After the use of electrical equipment, confirm that the power supply has been cut off.


Open fire is strictly prohibited for heating on the construction site.

During open fire operation, there must be a hot work permit.

When using electric tools, the original plug of electric tools shall not be removed or replaced, and it is strictly prohibited to directly insert the cable wire into the power socket without using the plug.


Smoking in the dormitory area, using high-power electrical appliances and stacking flammable materials in the material warehouse are easy to cause fire due to careless management.

Inflammables entering the material warehouse shall be stored by category, and warning signs and fire extinguishers shall be hung.

In windy, rainy and snowy weather, carefully check the temporary power facilities on site, and check whether the circuit and distribution box are safe and reliable.

Special grounding line shall be set for electric welding operation.

Implement anti-skid safety measures and timely clean the snow on the working face and construction road to prevent accidents caused by careless falls during operation or walking.

According to the above hazard source analysis, the following safety accidents are easy to occur in winter construction: for the above prone accidents, vigilance should be raised for prevention during construction.

Electricians check the performance of leakage switch every day, replace it in time in case of abnormality, and make records.

More electricity is used in winter than usual.

What are the hazards of winter construction? 1.

According to code for winter construction of building engineering (JGJ / t104-2011) stipulates that when the outdoor daily average temperature is stable below 5 ℃ for 5 consecutive days, winter construction will enter; when the outdoor daily average temperature is higher than 5 ℃ for 5 consecutive days, winter construction will be cancelled.

In addition, the dry climate in northern winter is easy to cause fire.

All kinds of gas cylinders are dangerous goods.


Therefore, in winter construction, measures to prevent falling from height must be in place, and the safety awareness of operators in the process of operation needs to be in place.

General knowledge of fire safety in winter construction (1) Fire safety in winter due to the low temperature in northern winter, many potential fire accidents are likely to occur during personnel heating and constant temperature in production.

Wear work clothes, anti-skid shoes, safety helmets and safety belts when working at heights; In case of heavy fog, snow and strong wind above level 6, stop working at heights..

In addition, bad weather also has a certain impact on power lines, so the safety of electricity must be borne in mind in winter construction.


The electric tools shall be qualified by professional electricians.

It is strictly prohibited to use bare wires.

In addition, the wet and slippery construction surface in winter is more likely to induce high-altitude falling accidents.

The fire-fighting facilities in the station shall be inspected on time, and the fire extinguisher shall be replaced immediately in case of failure.

Smoking and hot work are strictly prohibited near the storage area of inflammables and explosives.

General safety knowledge of high-altitude operation in winter construction high-altitude operation is one of the major hazard sources in construction under normal circumstances.
