What is lime soil compaction pile? This paper summarizes the common problems and treatment methods of lime soil compaction pile construction

It can be applied to a variety of foundation forms: strip foundation, independent foundation, box foundation and raft foundation.

The inspection quantity shall not be less than 0.5% of the total number of piles, and each single project shall not be less than 3 points.

During backfilling, materials shall be cut and tamped evenly to ensure the weight falling distance and times of tamping hammer.

After backfilling and tamping to 10cm higher than the design elevation, the top shall be sealed with plain soil.

During the completion acceptance of lime soil compaction pile or soil compaction pile foundation, the bearing capacity shall be tested by composite foundation load test.

The depth of single pile is easy to be 30 ~ 40cm.

Plow rammer 4.

After the pile is completed in the test, the quality of the foundation treated by lime soil compaction pile or soil compaction pile shall be sampled and inspected in time.

A specially assigned person shall make records during hole forming.

The hanger shall lift the pile pipe, align it with the pile site, and press the pile pipe into the soil by hammering and the self weight of the pile pipe.

After self inspection and passing the inspection by the supervising engineer, it shall be transported to the site with a small forklift.

Cement fly ash gravel pile cement fly ash gravel pile composite foundation belongs to rigid pile composite foundation, which has the advantages of large increase in bearing capacity and small foundation deformation.

When sinking the pipe to the design depth, stop hammering, close the accelerator, and pull out the pipe in time and at a uniform speed to prevent the pipe from bonding with the soil layer, resulting in difficult pulling out or hole collapse.

Source: if there is infringement in Douding construction, please contact to delete 1.

When the pile tip just contacts the surface, use low vertical tapping.

Hole forming inspection, including pile diameter, pile spacing and hole forming depth, and make construction records.


Mainly check the construction records, detect the dry density of pile and soil between piles in all treatment depths, and convert it into average compaction coefficient and average compaction coefficient.

Before backfilling of each pile hole, the hole bottom shall be compacted with hammer weight and backfilled and compacted in layers.

The filling and compaction shall be carried out alternately to complete the construction of single pile.


During hammering, the verticality of pile pipe shall be checked frequently, and the inclination shall be corrected immediately.

The sequence of backfilling and compaction of pile holes shall be 1 ~ 2 holes from the center of the route to both sides.

Before the test pile} tamping construction, the tamping process test shall be carried out to determine the reasonable sub filling amount and tamping times.

The sequence of hole forming is to drill holes at intervals of 1 ~ 2 holes from the center of the route to both sides.

The pile driver shall be in place to make it flat and stable.


The shape of the rammer is a pear shaped hammer with a parabola shape at the lower end.

What is lime soil compaction pile 1 Lime soil compaction pile makes use of the lateral extrusion during the hole forming process, the soil in the pile hole is squeezed around to compact the soil between piles, and then lime soil or plain soil (cohesive soil) is filled into the pile hole in layers and compacted to the design elevation in layers.

Through hole forming, tamping process and compaction effect test, various parameters such as pile filling height and tamping times are determined to meet the design requirements that the pile compaction coefficient is not less than 0.97 and the soil compaction coefficient between piles is not less than 0.90, so as to guide large-area construction.

The quantity of sampling inspection shall not be less than 1% of the total number of piles for general works and 1.5% of the total number of piles for important works.

The hammer weight is 100kg and the diameter of the rammer is 280mm.

After a hole is formed, cover an empty hole with a cover plate.


3、 Construction scheme 1.

Scope of application 1.

Lime soil compaction pile method is applicable to the treatment of collapsible loess, plain fill, miscellaneous fill and other foundations above the groundwater level.

After 1 ~ 2m into the soil is normal, use the predetermined speed, pitch and hammer the pile pipe to the design depth.

The lime soil of the pile shall be mixed evenly.

Magnetic Thread Disc

The depth of the foundation that can be treated is 5 ~ 15 m。 However, when the water content of local foundation soil is greater than 24% and the saturation is greater than 65%, lime soil compaction pile method or soil compaction pile method should not be selected.

Pile driver 3.

CFG pile method is applicable to the treatment of cohesive soil, silt, sand and self weight consolidated plain fill.

The pile arrangement shall set out the construction setting out points according to the plane position layout of the designed pile position, accurately set out each pile position through the coordinate control points, mark the point position with lime points, start the construction after inspection, and make construction records.


Cement fly ash crushed stone pile (CFG) after drilling with a long auger or drilling with a pipe sinking pile machine, cement, fly ash, gravel and stone chips are mixed with water, pumped or poured into the hole through a lower hopper.

4、 Problem handling methods..

Lime soil compaction pile method and soil compaction pile method have the characteristics of in-situ treatment, deep compaction and soil treatment.

For muddy soil, its applicability shall be determined according to regional experience or through field test.

There are plum blossom pile, triangular pile and parallel pile.

When they are widely used to treat deep collapsible loess, plain fill and miscellaneous fill soil foundation in Northwest and North China, they have good economic and social benefits.

In case of hole squeezing during hole forming, it shall be patched at intervals without missing points.