Weifang No.1 group was fined 217000 yuan for the accident caused by construction without warning signs
Please click above to pay attention to this account for free . A few days ago, Weifang Changda Construction Group Co., Ltd . was sentenced...
Ringlock scaffolding Manufacturer
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Please click above to pay attention to this account for free . A few days ago, Weifang Changda Construction Group Co., Ltd . was sentenced...
1、 Site construction operation (1) site machinery and equipment in work area 1 of project: 2 cement mixing piles, 1 cement mixing vertical tank, 1...
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Click on the blue words above to subscribe to the free subscription in spring when it is windy and windy . When you travel, you...
New Beijing Tangshan railway station building and related projects Bidding conditions: the new Beijing Tangshan railway of the construction project has been approved by the...
Question: can pre tax deduction be made for the estimated costs of construction enterprises that have not obtained legal and valid certificates? 1 . Reply...
The five common injuries in construction are: falling from height, collapse, object strike, electric shock and mechanical injury . Among them, collapse accident is one...
According to the general state of construction production, the risk points are divided into three levels . The project manager shall organize relevant personnel to...
Recently, the section of Huqiu fangting in Anxi is under “white to black” construction . The road surface has been roughened by mechanical planing ....
Pay attention to the WeChat official account of builder, add by two-dimensional code . Please read down the text The kitchen and bathroom floor...