#Original ᦇ beauty has an accident when she comes home from work. If it’s not for the surveillance, I can’t imagine what she has experienced!

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style.maxHeight= “”,i.classList?!i . classList.add (“default”):i . style.display= “block”,e.setAttribute(“data-height”,o.offsetHeight/(t||16));}},300));});。 . If it wasn’t for the surveillance camera, I can’t imagine what she has experienced! “; t?...


Monitoring: the man is directing the car to reverse, but he didn’t expect an accident. His wife can’t accept the monitoring!

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Expand function_ typeof(e){returne&&”undefined”!=typeofSymbol&&e.constructor===Symbol?”symbol”:typeofe;}!function(e){if(“object”===(“undefined”==typeofmodule?”undefined”:_ typeof(module))) module.exports=e ;else{if(window.__ second_ open__ )Return; Vart = “monitor: the man is directing the car to reverse, but he didn’t expect an...

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