Interpretation of structural requirements of scaffold parts!
It should be set close to the main node, and the distance from the main node should not be more than 300 mm. . The...
It should be set close to the main node, and the distance from the main node should not be more than 300 mm. . The...
The foundation shall be hardened with 100 mm thick C25 concrete, and the base or base plate shall be set at the bottom of the...
Front end thymeleaf: template engine . Foreword nothing to do, the whole java project rapid development scaffolding . MySQL: relational database . 3、 Core technology...
classList.add (“default”):i . style.display= “block”,e.setAttribute(“data-height”,o.offsetHeight/(t||16));}},300));});。 . className.match (/(\s|^)default(\s|$)/)||(i.className+=”default”),setTimeout(function(){if(o.offsetHeight>i.offsetHeight+1){vare= document.getElementById (“js_ folder_ text_ switch”),t=parseFloat(getComputedStyle(o).fontSize,10);e . style.maxHeight= “”,i.classList?!i . Expand function_ typeof(e){returne&&”undefined”!=typeofSymbol&&e.constructor===Symbol?”symbol”:typeofe;}!function(e){if(“object”===(“undefined”==typeofmodule?”undefined”:_ typeof(module))) module.exports=e ;else{if(window.__ second_ open__...
At the same time, it has the functions of rust removal and painting . It can process the steel pipe with diameter less than 48-51mm...
Combined with specifications, detailed interpretation of fastener type steel pipe scaffold construction common safety hazards, practical! Click to view the content. .
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Always keep consistent with the construction technical scheme, and meet the quality acceptance specifications and technical standards . Ensure that all personnel related to the...
Click “Anyue countryside” above to subscribe for free! Netizens revealed: yesterday afternoon, I saw the workers at the toll station busy dismantling the scaffold steel...
For those who issue the notice of ordering rectification in advance but fail to rectify within the time limit, the town law enforcement personnel shall...